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I recently shared one of my most vulnerable stories at the Empowering Women and Girls to Thrive Summit at the United Nations about suicide prevention, to help end the stigma of suicidal thoughts and promote more loving compassion and acceptance. This transformational event was supporting Sustainable Developmental Goal #5: “to achieve gender equality and empower …

Read More about Suicide Prevention Speech at the United Nations

Do you look forward to Mother’s Day? Or do you dread it? I am in the second camp. Again. When I was a child, I was envious of my friends who thought this was a special day to wish the best person they knew a Happy Mother’s Day. Whenever it was time to make a …

Read More about Best Happy Mother’s Day Quotes for Your Mom – All Year Round

A Grammy, 16 Tony awards nominations and 11 wins, including Best Musical, the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and an in-home release streaming on Disney+, it is no doubt that Hamilton – The Broadway Musical has stolen our hearts! I’ve seen Hamilton live several times since its release in 2015 and it is one of my …

Read More about The Top 100 Best Hamilton Quotes – From the Broadway Musical

I grew up in extreme poverty, so when I learned about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) I was elated. These Global Goals were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as “a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.” …

Read More about Are The Global Sustainable Development Goals in the Bible?

Monetizing your content and your skills has never been easier! I began my journey as a digital entrepreneur almost twenty years ago, and it’s surreal to still be here and at it. I’ve seen my share of Google updates, the coming and going of new social media platforms, and the evolution of influencer marketing. Whether …

Read More about Monetization 101: The Best 5 Ways to Monetize Your Content

Do you ever struggle to ask for help? You’re not alone.  As a mom of four daughters (ages 21, 20, 10, and 4) and as the founder of a global community for moms, I have realized that we all struggle with asking for help, even when we most need it.  When we are new moms …

Read More about Why It’s OK for Moms to Ask for Help When Parenting Teens 

If you’re a first-time mom and you want to make memorable moments with your baby in the tub, you’re in the right place. I’m mom to 4 daughters, and I was clueless and anxious the first time around – 21 years ago! I didn’t have any prior baby experience and I remember taking a baby …

Read More about Bonding with Baby at Bath Time: 7 Tips for a Positive Experience

Motherhood is full of unknowns and we all do the best we can to deal with the curve balls that are often thrown at us. Yeah, that was a baseball reference – I am Dominican, after all. But I’m serious though. We don’t know what we don’t know and when our child is not feeling …

Read More about 7 Facts Every Mom Needs to Know About Preventing RSV in Children

I recently transformed my most personal stories into a TEDx talk titled: “What Dying Taught Me About Living.” I delivered this talk live at the TEDx MCPHS live event on March 18th, 2023, at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in the city of Boston. The event was themed “What’s Your Story” and …

Read More about What Dying Taught Me About Living

I’m so grateful that I was invited to a private advanced screening of the new Barbie Movie and I loved every second. So, I decided to share a collection of the best Barbie Movie quotes for inspiration and fun. Some of these Barbie Quotes may be a bit spoilery, so feel free to skip to my …

Read More about The Best Barbie Movie Quotes  – Inspiration and Fun | 2023