The past few weeks have been high-paced, filled with travel, speaking engagements, healthy cooking, family fun, and one-on-one coaching.
There’s an old proverb that says that “when one teaches, two learn,” and as a lifelong learner and with teaching being one of my most cherished callings, I really love that – and I can certainly attest to that fact.

My most recent mentoring experiences have led me to discover a common misunderstanding when it comes to the power of our mind, the power of our thoughts, and the power of positive thinking. I want you to get past this misleading misconception about being positive.

My motto is “BE Positive and You’ll BE Powerful,” and that is because I believe that a positive mindset generates power within oneself. However, many people are under the impression that positivity is simply a better way to cope, a better way to react, or a better way to endure. While that has some truth to it, it is so much more than that.
With the movie “The Secret,” and its companion book, the concept that “thoughts create things” became mainstream and The Law Of Attraction started trending, so to speak. It was quite a controversial topic, especially among people that profess the Christian faith, like me.
I particularly loved “The Secret” and I have been blessed to be personally mentored by many of the teachers featured in this popular film, and have been certified by Jack Canfield as a Success Trainer. Much of what the book teaches us is in the Bible and other books of ancient wisdom.
But the point I want to get to is that manifesting and co-creating a purposeful life goes beyond thinking positively or believing you can receive and achieve. And it definitely has nothing to do with hard work or perseverance.
I am willing to bet that you know people who work harder than anyone can imagine and persevere with the greatest of attitude, yet continue to feel stuck, unhappy, and under-compensated. Maybe someone close to you!
What is, then, the source of this great personal power that you speak of? You may be asking. And the most accurate answer dates to 1905 when someone (many think it was Albert Einstein) said:
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”
Frequency. A word that we moms use to speak of babies kicking in-uterus, nursing, latching, or making bowel movements. Turns out it may be the most important word we can learn to create what we desire in all aspects of our lives.
The Law of Vibration, one of the laws of the universe that God created, states that ‘nothing rests; everything moves; every-thing vibrates.’ The lower the vibration, the slower the vibration; the higher the vibration the faster the vibration.
Every thought you think, every word you speak, and every action you take carries its own vibrational frequency. Because the principle of resonance says that when two frequencies are brought together, the lower will always rise to meet the higher, your vibrational resonance dictates what you attract in your life (situations, people, things, experiences, lessons).
So, of course, this supports positive thinking, positive affirmations, and believing you can achieve and receive amazing results in your life because all these activities have a longer and higher frequency. Love is the highest vibration there is – and this opened my mind to the fact that because The Ten Commandments were fear-based, Jesus re-framed them into a high frequency: LOVE is at the center of the two greatest commandments.
“I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:40
There are many other ways to raise or lower our frequency, and this is where I’ve noticed we need a more expansive awareness: the books you read, the movies and shows you watch, the media you consume, the people you’re around, what other people share to you, the images you look at, the things you imagine all contribute to the frequency you’re operating in. Feelings of fear, grief, and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, and feelings of love, joy, and gratitude vibrate at a much quicker and sustainable pace.
One of my coaching conversations this week involved the avoidance of R-rated movies, which my student resisted as “not a big deal,” because we humans usually focus on our results based on sensory data, rather than from our mental faculties.
In 1974, Oxford University Bio-Physicist Dr. Colin W.F. McClare, Ph.D. taught us that frequencies of vibrating energy are about one-hundred times more efficient in relaying information within a biological system than physical signals, such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and other growth factors.
Call me weird, but as I gained this awareness, I started to be like Einstein and to see everything as ENERGY, and I encourage anyone that will listen to do the same.
Besides the obvious symptoms that something is off, we must be conscious of what we are exposed to mind, soul, body, environment, and relationships because everything happens twice: first in an invisible realm (where everything is energy), and then in material ways we can perceive.
7 ways to Raise your Vibration And Attract What You Desire
Movement and exercise is the most known way to raise our energy, because of their physical manifestation. However, being active is one of the many ways you can make more energy flow through your body and mind. Here are some of my favorite ways to raise my frequency:
Gratitude: Slowing down to generate a deep sense of gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation is one of the most effective ways to raise your vibration. My gratitude journal works wonders!
Mindfulness: Prayer, breathwork, silence, stillness, and meditation are great ways to calm the mind and the spirit and increase your vibrational resonance. I love praying with my family because it raises everyone’s energy and that is just a great way to start the day!
Service: giving your time, talents, money, wisdom, and kindness, raises your vibration. Giving from the heart is one of my favorite ways to raise my vibration. My daughters joke around because when I’m going through stuff, to find what to give, they know I must be going through some kind of issue. Nothing takes me out of a funky mood quicker than giving and, of course, the matching frequency of the receiving with gratitude.
Trust: having faith that things do work out for our good, surrendering to God’s will, and developing the complete awareness and acceptance that His plans are to prosper you: a total rush of energy!
Creative Process: Creating anything, any type of art elevates the spirit. And have you realized that cooking (or any house chore) is a creative process? Writing does the trick for me, especially when I journal to release self-defeating emotions.
Positive Words: “In the beginning was the Word,” and each word you think and speak to or about yourself and others carries its own vibrational resonance. By choosing positive affirmation and banning disempowering words, gossip, complaints, and judgment from our vocabularies, we are more likely to align ourselves with a higher frequency.
Community: Meaningful, deep relationships, masterminding with like-minded and like-hearted individuals, and feeling a sense of connectedness and belonging are some of the most rewarding experiences, and highly energetic ones. That’s why we have been organized in families from the start.
One of my favorite quotes by Wayne Dyer says: “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Now that you have an expanded awareness of that positive thinking, positive words, and the “believe, receive, achieve” philosophy you read about in The Secret, are actually part of a more complex system based on quantum physics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, you can practice self-exploration and make more empowering decisions.
My call to action today is E = mc 2… or in other words, raise your energy, shine your light, and you will become a powerful manifesting creator.
Do you have any examples of how you have raised your vibration in your calling as a mom? I am passionately curious to read your comment!
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

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Unlock Your Positive Thinking With The Optimist Creed ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥
Friday 3rd of April 2020
[…] are many misconceptions about optimism. An optimist is not one who ignores reality, but rather makes the best of […]
Neyssa Jump
Thursday 9th of February 2017
Manifestation is very intriguing to me. I would love to learn more about this! Thanks for giving details about frequency, this stuff is so amazing to learn about.
Maritere R. Bellas
Thursday 17th of March 2016
THANK YOU!! I love the tips and will use them! You are a blessing!
Carol Cassara
Thursday 10th of March 2016
This is such an easy way to explain a concept hard to understand. You did a great job. Pinning.
The Gift Of A Confident Mom - ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥ ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥
Wednesday 9th of March 2016
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