I cried so much when I found out Casey Kasem died…
It was June 15th, 2014, on Father’s Day. Even though I never met him, I truly felt like I knew him.
He was a radio legend that hosted American Top 40 for many decades, yet to me, he was sort of a personal friend – in a weird way.
Thousands of miles away from his studio, a little girl and her brother used to listen to his “Request and Dedication” segment, which was broadcasted in a local radio station.
Yeah… that little girl was me!
Through Casey Kasem’s show, I felt the power of a story to touch lives, to inspire, to empower humanity.
My brother and I grew closer together while listening, because we were learning English together, we loved the uplifting music, and we were touched by the short stories shared.
I will never forget his sign-off, “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.”
It is a philosophy that has helped me through very rough moments throughout my life.
Isn’t it amazing how I was in a remote town in the Dominican Republic and was impacted by this man’s work?
I can safely assume that he wasn’t perfect, yet he was an instrument of inspiration for so many. While his ratings may have been measurable, the ripple effect of his impact probably never could be.
He was an inspiration.
Do YOU have a story to share?
For many years, I hid my stories.
My pride didn’t want to be on the spotlight.
My ego did not want me to be rejected or embarrassed.
My insecurity didn’t think I was good enough and told me “no one would care.”
But feisty little one that I am, I did not listen.
Being vulnerable can be scary, yet it is the only path to authentic connection.
“Being connected to God, Self, and Others” is my number one passion, and it requires a lot of vulnerability.
Yes, writing and speaking can help you build your mom business and your brand. It has been essential to mine.
And yet, my voice has become a healing tool for myself and other people who have experienced the same trauma, brokenness, and darkness as I have… and that is what drives me.
Even after the practice I’ve gotten through other books and speaking on the stage, I seriously procrastinate ON PURPOSE to write my rock bottom stories.
When I start to write a story I haven’t shared before, or one that I rarely talk about, I cry before, during, and after I writing it.
And each time, I am so grateful for a new layer of healing, for a deeper connection with God, for a deeper understanding and compassion to my brothers and sisters on Earth.
I am grateful for everyone who courageously pours their raw heart to give a voice, to teach a lesson, to change a life… and I vow to humbly strive to be one of them.
I reaching thousands daily with my words, and as an inspirational speaker, I have told my life stories to rooms full of amazing individuals with a story of their own.
These questions really get to me:
- Don’t you get tired of talking about yourself?
- Don’t you think this is self-serving, egocentric, and narcissistic?
- Do you need to speak of your success to feel successful?
Yes, I have been asked these actual questions.
And yet… I continue to share.
Throughout my life, so many people have inspired me beyond belief and I feel compelled to pay it forward.
I’m like a rhinoceros… I won’t stop.
After I finished high school at 15, I worked two jobs for a while, and then moved to the capital to start college and live on my own.
I lived in crazy conditions and I had to walk several miles and hours to school because I lacked money for transportation. Owning a car was considered a luxury!
Some days, I would go through 6 classes with only a piece of fruit in my stomach – and I was dealing with a lot uf unhealed emotional issues, as well.
My writing Professor, Ana Dolores de Datt came to be someone I truly looked up to.
I was in her classes for 3 consecutive semesters and she inspired me to become a better writer each time.
On the last day of the last class, she said she would love to celebrate the fact that I had aced her classes — she was known for not giving anyone an A.
My professor wanted to take me out to the Philharmonic Center and introduce me to her husband and family!
I was SO honored!
It was the first live performance I had ever seen, even though I have always loved music and theater.
After the show, we went to see her elegant and luxurious home. It was decorated with pieces she collected in her world travels.
She told me how I could have the same lifestyle by continuing to put in effort and having a positive mindset.
And she also had a gift for me!!!
The book Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander — El Rinoceronte, in Spanish, which she dedicated it to me:
“In 23 years of teaching, you are my most impressive student!” she said.
That night, Ana Dolores de Datt changed my life. I was never the same again.
She was an inspiration.
I started writing more unapologetically and I have been striving to become unstoppable like a Rhino ever since.
“El Rinoceronte” is still one of my favorite books and it got me through the many horrible experiences I went through during my struggling college years.
I have shared “El Rinoceronte” with my daughters. I believe my inspiring Professor’s legacy will live on for many generations.
I want to create something that will outlive me… and yet, I had to declare I was not afraid to share anymore.
I had to choose to share in spite of any fears that came up – and they still come up – fundamentally because I have found that through it all, I have become more of whom God created me to be.
I am committed sharing my message as much as I can because I know that it will help many moms have joy, faith, and hope.
Your story matters. You matter. You are an inspiration.
Will you share YOUR story?
Think for a second:
Whose life could be transformed if they knew YOUR story?
You’re a brave woman who has seen hopelessness turned into transformation right before her eyes…
And it may be time to tap into that courage to inspire others and to stop dismissing your strength and inner power!
You are an inspiration to others.
You are a unique being with unique experiences.
You can change someone else’s life for the better.
They say everyone has a book in them and I believe you do, too. I would love to help you write it, but you don’t have to be an author like Scott Alexander to inspire someone.
You don’t have to be a Professor or mentor like Ana Dolores de Datt.
You don’t need a radio show like Casey Kasem.
As you are… right now…
Your Story Matters
You can:
- Be an example to others.
- Show others you care.
- Share your struggles
- Share your success stories.
- Gift a book.
- Be a listener.
- Challenge someone to be better, without judgment or self-righteousness.
Imagine you could have been in the air with Casey Kasem. What 30-second story would you share to inspire the audience?
Whether in person, by phone or 140 characters at a time, your words matter! Someone can be uplifted by your words today.
And someone can use your ears.
I’ve had constantly let go of my pride, my ego, and my insecurities – and they show up often and strong… and I know you can too!
I invite you to start sharing your stories so that others can feel, learn, and understand. So you can fulfill your purpose, leave a legacy, and make an impact in the world…today!
Talk about yourself. Be an inspiration today.
It’s the message, NOT the messenger!
What is your story? I look forward to being inspired by you. May we all keep our feet on the ground and our sight on the stars above!
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at thepositivemom.com/ef and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

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The mission of the Positive MOM blog is to help moms break trauma cycles, find peace, and feel emotionally whole, so they can practice supportive parenting and create a positive and healthy environment for their children. If you found Elayna’s content valuable, please consider donating a love offering to enable her to keep creating content and helping more moms worldwide. Donate HERE.
Maria Oller
Saturday 28th of June 2014
Blogging is the way I can control my shyness, I'm really shy in person I cant talk to others but through my blog I have a voice
Wednesday 25th of June 2014
I still can't believe that he's gone! He'll be missed!
Jackie Houston
Tuesday 24th of June 2014
Always look forward to your posts! You're always so inspiring!
Tuesday 24th of June 2014
I grew up listening to Casey too! I think it is hard sometimes to let people know more about how we truly feel but I agree it is the only way to truly connect to someone! Great Post!
Lexie Lane
Tuesday 24th of June 2014
I actually would buy your book because your posts are always so heartfelt. Congratulations! It's definitely not easy putting one together!