Sometimes I tell someone I am a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Master Trainer, and I am surprised when they ask “What Is Guerrilla Marketing?” I really thought everyone knew the answer!
I first learned about Guerrilla Marketing when I was attending college in the Dominican Republic since the book, Guerrilla Marketing, was a required read for obtaining a Marketing degree.
In 1984, marketer and author Jay Conrad Levinson [February 10, 1933 – October 10, 2013] coined the term “Guerrilla Marketing” in his book by the same name, in which he introduced the concept of “achieving conventional goals, such as PROFITS and JOY, with unconventional methods, such as investing time and energy instead of money.“
Guerrilla Marketing is the secret to growing a business with literally no budget. Adopting the guerrilla philosophy and mindset was crucial to go from a single mom with a JOB [just over broke] to mompreneur MomPrayNeur.
I am proud to be able to say that I was personally trained and mentored by Jay Conrad Levinson in his home. He was a magnificent mentor and success guide. He was an excellent human being and my family and I became really close. I miss him very much!
Who is Jay Conrad Levinson?
Let me tell you more about Jay’s journey before becoming The Father of Guerrilla Marketing:
Jay Conrad Levinson served as Senior Vice-President at J. Walter Thompson and as Creative Director and Board Member at Leo Burnett Advertising. Jay was known for his philosophy that advertising campaigns needed to be clever, unique — outrageous, even— in order to create buzz and become memorable. Would you agree that he was ahead of his time?
Jay Conrad Levinson is responsible for some of the most successful advertising campaigns on the planet: The Marlboro Man, The Pillsbury Doughboy, Allstate’s good hands, United’s friendly skies, the Sears Diehard battery, Morris The Cat, Tony the Tiger, and the Jolly Green Giant. Are you familiar with any of these?
Some of the corporations that benefited from Jay’s brilliant advertising mind are Wells-Fargo, Citicorp, Visa, Viacom, Charles Schwab, University of California, Kampgrounds of America, BF Goodrich, Gallo wines, the Sharper Image, Peterbilt Motors, Chrysler Corporation, Honda, Club Med, PBS, Playboy, Hyatt, Encyclopædia Britannica, Pacific Telephone, Old Spice, Arby’s, the United Way, Rolling Stone, Montgomery Ward, Nissan, Mercedes, Volvo, and Holiday Inn… and more! Are you impressed by Jay yet?
Jay also taught Guerrilla Marketing at the University of California, Berkeley Extension Division for 10 years, where he had none other than Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Michael Dell as his students! The 7 Sentence Marketing Plan I take my clients through is based on the same plan they used to create Apple, Microsoft, and Dell computers in just 5 minutes!!! Mind-blowing, isn’t it?
Guerrilla Marketing Books
Today there are 58 volumes of Guerrilla Marketing, translated into 62 languages, and more than 21 million copies sold worldwide. More importantly, millions of lives have been transformed, thousands of profitable businesses started, and immeasurable profits made because of Jay’s contribution.
The Guerrilla Marketing weapons [tactics] are all no cost or low cost. When you use them, you achieve the results you want in your business without breaking the bank, and you will inevitably develop a Millionaire Mom Mindset in the process of implementing this marketing approach and ideology. It’s a win-win!
You can find more information about Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson, and his legacy at the Official Website of Guerrilla Marketing International.
If you are ready to work with a Guerrilla Marketing coach and trainer, Let’s Talk. I’d love to partner with you so we can get started on a journey toward achieving your BIG marketing and business goals while staying within your SMALL budget.
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at thepositivemom.com/ef and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

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Guerilla Marketing sounds powerful! What a privilege you had to know Jay. I had never heard of this kind of marketing before, but would love to have more tips on it.
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