It was way past bedtime when my bonkers family and I decided to embark on a magical adventure. Taylor Bare and the WhollyART girls were curious and curiouser to see ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, which is now playing in theaters everywhere, presented in Digital 3D™, Real D 3D and IMAX® 3D. They wore their pretty Alice …
Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM
She enters the room with unmatched grace and humbleness as we clap for her with enthusiasm. The rich golden tones in the room match her regal demeanor, but you feel familiar and comfortable around her, which is great, because I was feeling a bit anxious and nervous about interviewing her. You know, imagination can be a …
I wanted to cry, but I held back because I had worked so hard on my makeup. This thought made me chuckle because I never fully understood why people didn’t just let the emotion sink in and let the tears out. The irony of my own subtle judgments actually calmed the whirlwind inside me. Hollywood …
Blogging is such a blessing because I can lend my voice and my outlet to promote causes I am passionate about. And I know what you’re thinking… I *am* passionate about so much! I recently visited Washington D.C. to attend the Partnership for a Healthier America 5th Building a Healthier Future Summit. A nonpartisan nonprofit, led by …
My brother and I had a friendly argument recently. I don’t know if your family members are like mine, but sometimes we remember things differently. Perspective, and sometimes even a pinch of self-importance, can change the way a memory is perceived. You were never hit by the books! – he insisted. We lived in a …
I was recently teaching a local group of women entrepreneurs how to leverage LinkedIn to grow their small businesses and I was surprised when I noticed just how long I was talking about the power of your picture online. I hadn’t planned to go that deep. But you know I’m not a planner. Your brand …
When I look in the mirror, it’s easy to spot a blemish, a wrinkle, or an extra pound to complain about. What’s hard is to really see yourself for who you truly are, your true essence, and the limitless potential and infinite possibilities you hold. This requires going through the looking glass, beyond your mere reflection. We’ve …
Mother’s Day is a time of the year when many people celebrate warm memories of mom with flowers, cards, chocolate, hugs, and laughter, but it is also a day that awakens pain for many of us; whether it is because of loss, infertility, or trauma. It makes me smile when I see messages that acknowledge …
Well before I was born, John F. Kennedy said a timeless phrase that is as simple as it is powerful: “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” When you think of names like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Thomas Edison, and Napoleon Hill, the idea that one person can impact …
Many times we refer to God as the author of life. I certainly hold this as truth and this belief has both created conflict within myself and given me inspiration. I can illustrate this with two of my most recurring thoughts: If God is the author, why is there so much tragedy in my story?If …