Because I am a Geekess, you may think that UBUNTU refers to the free open source operating system based on Linux…okay, maybe that’s just me… However, I am talking about the African philosophy that I just fell in love with. Here’s the story: An anthropologist proposed a game to African tribe kids. He put a basket …
Thomas Alva Edison once said “what a man’s mind can create, man’s character can control.” Our Divine Nature allows us to deliberately take control of our emotions and to consciously direct our thoughts toward anything that is: True Honest Just Pure Lovely Good report Virtue Praiseworthy Acceptable Perfect (Philippians 4:8–9 , Romans 12:2) For 30 …
I was catching up with an old friend and I happened to mention my life story being featured on the “SuperHuman Performance” book series. He had always joked with me being some sort of superwoman or super mom. There’s some truth to that. The word “human” means “earthly being.” I used to hold what they …
Last week was one of those weeks. You know, the kind in which you feel like you just want to GO HOME… Well, maybe that’s just me. With my whole family living in the Dominican Republic, both of my brothers having a birthday, and my best friend’s birthday on top of that, you may understand …
As I start writing this post, I don’t know where I am really going. I may surprise you…and myself. I have recently been attracting a lot of information about marriages that last over 50 years. It seems like a formula and not a matter of being “soul-mates.” I saw a cute picture in which the …
I recently got an ad in the mail in the form of a survey. It is a compilation of questions about everything from decisions my parents made to my own decisions as a mother, and in between, all kinds of decisions I’ve made as an adult woman. This assessment is supposed to be mailed back …
As I celebrate Easter Sunday today, I do not think about bunnies, eggs, chocolate, or even dinner arrangements. I am beyond grateful to my Savior, Jesus Christ, for his infinite, eternal, and everlasting sacrifice, convinced that HE rises, that HE indeed LIVES. I Google everything, so I was disappointed to find that the word RISEN …
The girls and I are big “YouTubers.” We have fun “YouTubing” stuff: funny videos, inspirational videos, baby videos, puppy videos, romantic videos… you know, stuff girls like! Earlier this week, I showed them the video “The Girl Who Silenced The World For 5 Minutes.” Have you seen IT? You Have To! Here’s the transcript! (drum …
They say when one door closes another one opens, yet the hallways are hard. I know that to be true, especially when we have a limited perspective to really understand the WHY of our circumstances. Winston Churchill said: NEVER NEVER NEVER Give Up! The “HOW” is: See It Through! (below). ~*~ When you’re up against a trouble,Meet …
Don Williams said “The true beauty of a woman is her inherent ability to make better a man in every way” and I couldn’t agree more. International Woman’s Day serves as political and human rights and social awareness of worldwide issues women face. The United Nations has done an amazing job at protecting women’s rights and seeking …