Decisions and choices sound scary at times and it’s no mystery that we decide how to live our lives. It is a choice we make each day, each hour, each minute. It is beautifully described in this nursery rhyme: Row Row Row Your BoatGently Down The StreamMerrily Merrily Merrily MerrilyLife Is But A Dream We …
Have you heard the expression “What I do TODAY matters because I’m exchanging a day of my life for it”? I love it. We’re always thinking about the future. Planning for the future. Setting goals for the future. Day-dreaming about the future. Having a clear VISION of what you want for your life is not only a good …
Man… Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going …
I once heard a story of a woman who had a miscarriage. She was devastated, to say the least. She had lost what she thought was so imminently certain and rightfully hers. She asked the doctor when she would be ready to become pregnant again… He replied: “whenever you are ready to go through another miscarriage”. …
Everyone knows I love Facebook. After all, I wrote a book about Social Media and I teach a hands-on workshop as well. My professional career aside, the number one reason I love Facebook is that I love love love my Facebook friends! I use Facebook mostly to inspire and be inspired. And it sure works! A few weeks …
Sometimes the beauty of life is reminded through experiencing death. Opposition plays an important part in the plan toward happiness. Death does not always mean you stop breathing. Sometimes you lose someone you love because of their actions, their behavior. I have lost many I love; my grandpa passed in April 2009, and it was …
I have gotten to know a beautiful friend, whom I have not heard from for a while. He wrote this to me and I felt inspired to share it and pour my soul to both him and YOU. “I have been going through some very hard times these days not being able to work. I …
As a busy parent or entrepreneur, you will appreciate that I have become more and more selective with the films I watch. It’s not like I can ask for my two hours back! I did not imagine, even in my wildest dreams, what a treat I was in for when I went to see Buck, …
Whether you’ve ever read the Bible or not (I’ve read it several times from cover to cover), I believe you must be familiar with Psalm 23. Whatever your beliefs are, whatever your religion, I ask you to be open to finding a powerful message behind this popular poetic piece: The Lord is my Shepherd = …
It has been proved that nearly 90% of our thoughts are of negative nature. To “fight” this issue, positive thinkers practice “positive affirmations”. It is said that with the use of affirmations, you can actually reprogram your thought patterns. You can “change your mind” and your life, simply by “declaring” positive, beautiful, inspiring, motivating statements. …