Best known for his signature phrase “You Gotta Be Hungry!”, Les Brown is a top motivational speaker, speech coach and best selling author. He went from being left at birth at an abandoned building in Liberty City, FL and being labeled“the dumb twin” to 3-term State legislator in Ohio and winner of The Golden Gavel Award …
The week after Valentine’s Day, I took the girls on a weekend getaway at a fabulous resort in Captiva Island FL. The weather was gorgeous, the island vistas breathtaking, and the resort setting to live for. The girls requested to be enrolled in a 3-hour program called Sanibel Sea School. They strolled around learning about …
Napoleon Hill is one of the greatest writers and speakers in personal development and author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the best-selling books of all times. Highly influenced by Andrew Carnegie, one of Napoleon Hill‘s hallmark expressions is “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” He shared 17 …
Whether you call it the Universe, the Creator of the universe, a Higher Power, Spirit, The Light, The Mystery… most of us humans believe in an omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent power. Presumably, God (which is my name of choice for this undeniable force) could really easily give us anything we want. After all, He knows …
The birth of a child is the most miraculous event to ever take place. I cannot imagine anything more meaningful, symbolic, painful yet magical. The miracle of life. I always celebrate my children’s birthdays as the days I became a mother. Like Mother’s Day, it’s nice to have established dates to commemorate special experiences and …
Throughout my life, I’ve seen, heard, and read numerous stories about characters obsessing about a “Fountain Of Youth”. Plastic surgery, hair dye, botox, and special creams are advertised everywhere online and offline to rejuvenate you, take years off your face, neck, hands, you name it…and don’t get me started on “prevention techniques”. There are ways …
While we may not incorporate frogs into our menus, we all procrastinate. Yes… /procrastination/ “putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time“, mainly because of Fear, Overwhelm, Perfectionism, or an interesting combination of two or all three of these factors. What Is The Frog Eating Philosophy? “If the first thing you do each morning is to …
Someone does something unpleasant, a situation is difficult, an event is painful… we all have moments when we feel defeated, betrayed, discouraged, disappointed, and “when it rains it pours!” Whether we acknowledge it or not, all challenges are meant to be opportunities to learn, grow, and expand. Asking the right questions can help us find …
In my mompreneur life, I have to play with words to craft a corporate identity… tag lines, mission statements, web copy, articles, blog posts, books, and marketing messaging. In my mommy life, I must clearly and lovingly discuss principles that will shape my daughters’ lives. Communicating my feelings effectively is the key to all my …
Do you have the impression that these days everything seems to be all about life in 3D? Well here’s a thought! What if we chose what 3 D’s we live our lives by. This would be some sort of proverbial trinity that our inner voices will chant to throughout the hard days to keep our …