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MACEF Announces its Inaugural Filmmakers Masters Workshop Series: From Film to Career & extends open filmmaking grant deadline to September 30, 2023

LOS ANGELES, CA — September 19, 2023 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — The Mexican-American Cultural Education Foundation (MACEF), the non-profit whose mission is to change the intentionally distorted and damaging Mexican-American narrative by educating the community and supporting film & television makers and their stories which will change that narrative is currently accepting submissions for its 3rd annual $5K Filmmaking Grants. In addition applicants for the filmmaking grants will automatically be entered into a chance to be chosen for one of 10 available slots for the inaugural Filmmakers Masters Workshop Series: From Film to Career. Deadline to submit for the grant and in turn for the Masters Workshop Series is September 30, 2023

“The MACEF's Filmmakers Masters Workshop Series, is the latest addition to our efforts to provide our filmmakers with the tools to succeed, and thus fulfill our mission to change the distorted and harmful narrative by telling our real story and educate the community about the true Mexican-American contribution,” said MACEF’s Board President Dr. Jose Luis Ruiz.

The Masters Workshop Series: From Film To Career is an interactive workshop for ten selected filmmakers who are currently developing a short drama or feature length narrative film project and who wish to receive mentorship and guidance by master filmmakers, to produce higher level projects and develop a sustainable career in the film industry.

This series of workshops will be offered annually and will take place over three days starting in the Fall of 2023 and will focus on Story and Screenplay, Building the Film Team and Casting, and financing and distribution.

The ten participants will be selected by the Mexican American Education Cultural Education Foundation (MACEF) from applicants who demonstrate exemplary film accomplishments and whose current film project indicates a high potential for success as determined by a committee of veteran film professionals. The workshops are intended to help participants bring their film projects closer to completion and encourage planning for a lifetime career in motion picture production.

The Faculty of this workshop series will be legendary producer Moctesuma Esparza, & pioneering film and TV director Jesús Treviño and moderated by MACEF founder and director Dr. José Luis Ruíz. The workshops will include the participation of veteran writers, producers and directors who will engage the ten selected participants on a one-on-one basis.

Eligibility and Submissions for the MACEF Grant and Filmmakers Masters Workshop Series are both accessed through one application. Consideration for both will be decided from the application for the Grant.

Who Can Apply:   

• Individuals already in the industry or starting out who need funds to finish their short film, a feature-length film, or TV pilot to put it on the market.
• Film school students working on their thesis film are encouraged to apply.
• Filmmakers of any background can apply, however, the production team must include at least one producer, writer, or director, and one main actor who identifies as Mexican-American or Chicana/o, of any generation or mixed ethnicity.


• To qualify for this grant the applicant must submit the script of the short film, feature-length film, or TV pilot, and be in an advanced stage of pre-production, production, or post-production.
• Qualifying films will be assessed for quality of the story, culturally positive content, the production team assembled, and the viability of the project. Non-stereotypical stories will have priority.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/46cwmwQ

Submission Deadline: September 30, 2023

Grantees will have their film highlighted at the First Annual Mexican-American Film/Television Festival in May of 2024.

ABOUT the Mexican American Cultural Education Foundation
The Mexican-American Cultural Education Foundation is a non-profit foundation, with the mission of educating the community about the rich cultural contributions of the Mexican-American community to this country, which are often unrecognized. To change the narrative by educating the community about the endless positive contributions the Mexican-American people, (Chicano, Chicanx, Latino, Hispanic, Latinx, or 1st generation immigrants), and their rich culture have given to America.This is to be achieved by promoting unity, education, pride, and progress.