In case you missed my post last week, I’ve started my first diet EVER, based on the bestselling book Always Eat After 7PM by Joel Marion. Today, I’ll be covering some mistakes, myths, and misconceptions in traditional dieting, based on an in-depth interview with Joel Marion, fitness expert, nutritionist and 6-time bestselling author. #1. You …
“She had to know about it! She’s so successful- how could she just be so blind?,” the random woman sitting next to me exclaimed. I had just met this woman and though I usually just let things go and change the conversation when someone assumes, accuses, or gossips, her comment really bothered me. She was …
Having babies seems to leave most of us struggling with weight loss, because well, you typically gain a lot of weight and lose energy in the process. I am an advocate of loving your body no matter what shape or size, and at the same time, I know that in order to have the stamina …
Stop neglecting your health and take care of yourself. That may be my message to you, but it’s also a note to self. After going through so much hardship and scares during pregnancy, and unexpected, frightening and traumatic events during the delivery, I ended up needing medication for pain management at the hospital and after …
It all works for good. Even if those who have never read a page in the Bible are familiar with at least a paraphrased version of this popular verse. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ~ …
An optimist is “a person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something.” A creed is “a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone’s actions.” That’s why I think that The Optimist Creed is a guide to unlocking your positive thinking. Even though we all know that …
Mother Teresa said, “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.“ It sounds like an easy enough quest, because big changes and big projects may feel intimidating. However, the little things can be so hard to do. We often won’t even consider the little things because they may seem …
The word safety comes from the Old French sauvete meaning “safety, safeguard; salvation; security, surety,” the Medieval Latin salvitatem (nominative salvitas) “safety,” fand the Latin salvus meaning “uninjured, in good health, safe.” The dictionary definition of safety is “the condition of being protected” and “the state of being safe” from a non-desirable outcome. Safety also means understanding the hazards …
As caretakers, we have a natural and noble desire to protect our children from painful news and painful experiences, but this is not always healthy. We may not always be able to shield our kids from harm, trauma, and discomfort because they are part of life. Children are exposed to tragic events frequently, no matter …
It’s hard to be positive and calm when we’re dealing with uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. I am not a medical doctor, so I’m sharing from my perspective, having been intimately familiar with these feelings and conditions most of my life. It’s one thing to worry about the future and it’s another to worry about how …