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The Passion Test [PreSteps]


You’ve Embarked on a Discovery Journey to Live
a Life You Love Filled With Passion.

Discovering your True Passions is an exciting and essential step to finding and living your  God-given purpose, and I am honored to guide you through discovering your TOP 5, so you can be set up for success in your quest for JOY, BALANCE, and SUCCESS.

Please schedule your first session of The Passion Test with me and follow the instructions below to submit your completed Passion Test Pre-Steps to me at least 48 hours before we meet for our appointment.

Pre-Steps To Your Passion Test Session With The Positive MOM

The Passion Test - write a list of 21 statements that describe your ideal lifeWrite 21 statements that start with “My life is ideal and I am______.” Number each item in the list – they can be in random order. This process is called MindStorming. Each sentence will refer to intentions and aspirations that want to manifest and create in your life (as opposed to what is actually happening in your life now), describing what you would consider your “ideal” life. Ideal means “it can’t get any better” and it’s all you’ve dreamed of.

The Passion Test - Merge your mindstorming statements into 10 ideal life statementsAfter you have written your 21 statements, merge them down to only 10 that express the most meaningful desires of your heart. This process may seem like “elimination;”  however, you will not be denying yourself from your desires, but rather getting clear of what is most important or more of a priority for you.

The Passion Test - Use verbs ending in _ing... when writing your ideal life statementsComplete the sentence using an ‘-ing’ verb such as “enjoying”, “experiencing”, “living”, “traveling” or “helping” to bring everything into today, NOW, in the present tense.

The Passion Test - Remember Elayna's 10 F's when writing your 10 ideal life statementsIn order to assist you in covering all the areas of your life you want to cover, you may use Elayna’s 10 F’s to guide you:  Family, Faith, Friends, Fitness, Finances, Fun, Forever Partner, Funding, Fulfillment, F.I.R.S.T. (taking care of yourself).

The Passion Test - do what you love, shine your lightThe list must include what is really important to YOU, so make sure you are being true to who you are and not choosing out of “should” or “supposed to.” Dig deep and think about what you absolutely love and are passionate about, what makes you come alive and “lights your fire.” Remember you are called to SHINE YOUR LIGHT and no one else’s.

The Passion Test - Remember you are a child of God and you deserve joy balance and successInclude all your hopes, goals, dreams, wishes, intentions, and declarations even though they may not seem to be in your experience, and especially if they remain from childhood or youth, and do so without concern for any “buts” or “whens” or “can’t’s.” Follow your inner truth – there are no limits, nothing is too big or too small! Remember that you are a daughter of a Powerful Creator and that you are His Heiress!

The Passion Test - use powerful words to define your greatnessUse powerful and POSITIVE words that will help you be clear and concise when you ASK so that you may indeed receive what God has in store for you! Here’s a list you can use.

Common Examples:

My life is ideal, and I am…

  1. enjoying perfect health
  2. having fun with everything I do
  3. being married to my soulmate
  4. living in a big house with warm climate
  5. speaking to thousands from the stage all over the world

What a CLEAR, CONCISE, and POWERFUL statement may look like:

My life is ideal, and I am…

  1. looking fit, feeling vibrant, and enjoying perfect health, energy, and vitality.
  2. feeling passionate about life, having fun with everything I do, savoring every moment.
  3. being in a close, intimate, harmonious marriage with my ideal partner.
  4. living in a spacious, inviting, and luxurious home in warm climate, with a spectacular ocean view.
  5. traveling first class to speak worldwide, inspiring my audience to live their greatest potential.

My Top 5 Passions are:

  1. Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMBeing deeply connected to God, self, and the people in my life.
  2. Living a joyful, united, meaningful life with my family.
  3. Experiencing peaceful, loving, mutually empowering relationships.
  4. Enjoying abundant time, energy, and resources to play, connect, and contribute generously.
  5. Helping moms create a JOY, FREEDOM, and SUCCESS on their own terms.

Do you notice the clarity that comes with being specific? A word fitly spoken makes  a world of difference!

Now it’s time for you to write your Ideal Life Statements and Discover Your Own TRUTH!

Schedule and submit your completed Pre-Steps to me 48 hours before.

I will be reviewing your statements and making sure you are equipped and set up for success for our session. I am fully committed to making this an easy, efficient, and empowering process for you!

After we have our 10 statements, I will take you through The Passion Test and we will discover your Top 5 Passions.

You will love the simplicity of the process and the clarity you will find. We will have so much fun, and most importantly, you will see miraculous results in all aspects of your life! Talk to you soon!

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM