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Make Today Someday

Make Today Someday! I’ve been saying this phrase for years… to myself, to my daughters, and to everyone I know. I once wrote a post about the lie of someday… because someday is not a day on the calendar, it is an excuse to procrastinate our dreams, to postpone our life, and to put our needs on the back burner.

  • What if you were to make today “someday”?
  • What if you said yes to your dreams, longings, wishes, and passions, to living a life you love, to taking care of your needs?
  • What if you appreciated each day like the gift it is and maximized every moment?

"Make Today Someday" Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM quote

Those questions are for you to ponder and wonder. I know that there was a moment in my life in which I realized that no matter the circumstance, the situation, or the stage, I have all I need… I still have time.

A few years ago, I was interviewed for Inspire Me Today, one of the top inspirational websites in the world, and they asked:

“If you could share 500 words to inspire, what is the important wisdom you’d want to pass along to others?” They call these words “your brilliance.” This is what I said:

On our deathbed, it really won’t matter how successful we were, how many awards we won or how many deals we closed. We won’t regret buying “that house” or “that car” or “that new gadget.”

We won’t long for anything other than more TIME.

Time to spend with the special people who touched our lives: our friends, our significant others, our parents, our children. Time to love, to laugh, to hug, to kiss, to cherish, to encourage, to teach lessons, to learn, to pray, to praise, to hold… time for things that no currency could ever buy.

Knowing that, as Benjamin Franklin once said: “Lost time is never found”, NOW is when we must find time. “Someday” we won’t be able to get it back.

I’ve been fortunate to have had multiple near-death experiences. They were rather scary and painful, but they each taught me to see life as a miracle and to realize that the best things in life aren’t indeed things.

Family is the central organization of society and eternity. Our family and the lifelong memories we create with them…that is what really matters!

Motherhood has taught me that it doesn’t matter how much you spend on someone, they care how much time you spend with them. Quality AND Quantity Time with those we love are extremely important for human development and happiness.

In a fast-moving world, almost at a frenetic pace; between chores, work, and overwhelm, time seems like a precious commodity that often eludes us. Put stress on hold and LIVE. It will faithfully wait for us to pick up where we left off.

Time with our family is the greatest gift we can give them… and ourselves:

  1. We build stronger stronger bonds with each other and create an increased sense of worth individually.
  2. We can instill our core values and principles for children to model, and teach life lessons they can learn from. I can guarantee you will learn a lot, too! My daughters are my most influential teachers.
  3. We lay a foundation for a stronger family unit. A family that eats, prays and loves together stays together.

Spending time with our loved ones, especially with our children, is a matter of setting this rewarding practice as a high priority. Affection and appreciation shouldn’t be saved like fine china. Love spells T-I-M-E and we must put it to use every day of every week, not just on holidays and “special” occasions.

Promise yourself you will give the gift of presence to your children, to your loved ones. Carve that undivided one-on-one time out of your busy schedule. No distractions. You will be thankful for those memories, traditions and routines.

People say of my children “enjoy them now…they’ll be gone before you know it!” I know that to be true of everyone I know and love. Let’s make today “someday”. Let’s make time to engage and connect with our biggest gift on earth: our family.

I still mean every word. I feel fortunate to be alive and have the opportunity to see this day. Each day will surely bring its chores, changes, and challenges… and I strive to remind myself that, by law, it will also bring joy, bliss, and blessings.

The past is gone, tomorrow is uncertain, “Someday” doesn’t exist… All you ever have is TODAY. The NOW, TODAY, is a miracle that is all yours: 86,400 seconds of cherished time, and about 18,000 free breaths.

[Tweet “The past is gone, tomorrow is uncertain, “Someday” doesn’t exist. All you have is today. #elaynaquotes”]

Each day is a JOY and you can choose to waste it, spend it, or invest it. Seize it, savor it, say “thank you” for each chance to be alive.

As humans, we can’t “make time.” What I always say “time is not something you find, it’s something you manage.”

[Tweet “Time is not something you find, it’s something you manage. #elaynaquotes #motivationformoms”]

The truth is we always “find” time for the things we choose to do. And it is empowering to choose what most matters, what most serves you, and what is aligned and in harmony with your soul’s purpose.

Every time you feel discouraged thinking: “there aren’t enough hours in the day,” “it’s 5 am and I’m already behind,” or “where did the day go?”… remember: you have the ability and the power to consciously design how you invest one of your more precious resources: your time.

Write it down: What will you do more of ? How will you invest your minutes? Each one moves you closer or further from the dream life you envision.

I challenge you to think of something you’ve been sending to the “someday” pile, rescue it, and calendar it. And share it with me in the comment section below!

Make today YOUR someday!


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