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Your Toddler Is A Wonder, From Head To Toe

Johnson's Baby disclosure

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my motherhood journey over the years. I was 25 years old and clueless when I gave birth to Elisha, and I soon found out being a mom can be stressful, overwhelming, and emotionally messy. Not “every once in a while” but more often than we would prefer.

It took me a while to understand that it all balances out. The universal Law of Polarity tells us there is opposition in all things, and though it doesn’t just happen, motherhood can be a source of peace, joy, and healing to our lives… if we allow it. Motherhood is an opportunity to slow down, simplify, and gain awareness.

Mom Toddler Massage Time with JOHNSON'S® Baby Head To Toe Line

Through research and because of the line of work I do as a mentor and coach to moms, I’ve found that many first time moms regret most is rushing about trying to get it all done or get it all together, or trying to please everyone (husband, relatives, medical staff, etc.) so they approve of her motherhood choices and style.

I will confess that I’ve cried over this a lot, not because I made that mistake but because of the reason I didn’t make it. The raw pain of feeling like I had never been nurtured was too high and I was focused on just one goal: bonding with my baby so she would feel my love. Oh the paradox of life! Turns out not having the mom I always yearned for taught me more about being a mom than I imagined. And you’d think I’d feel proud of that, but not exactly, because you have no idea how many times I’ve prayed on my knees, cried ugly cries, and thrown emotional fits because I didn’t see the good in my mommy issues. And if you’re reading this going “but you do, now, Elayna!,” all I have to say is “not really, I am not quite there yet.

But what I can tell you is that I am glad I obsessed in the right things, even if partially for the wrong reasons. And boy, it’s made being a mom so rewarding, and you can experience these feelings of joy and wonder, all while your baby, your toddler, your child feels loved, welcome, and accepted.

Bath time is one of those necessary tasks that can turn into a beautiful experience, because your baby, your toddler, is a wonder – from head to toe! You can make bath time special, beneficial, and fun for both of you.

Toddler Bath Time with JOHNSON'S® Baby Head To Toe Line

Bath time can be much more than getting your baby or toddler clean; it can be a routine to bond, give and receive the love you both need. And I dare assume that because you’re human, and humans need love. It’s proven by science and it’s preached in all faiths.

Bath time can be a powerful ritual dedicated to let your daughter know she is bright and brilliant. It can be an experience full of discovery, exploration, bonding, engaging, and teaching your baby or toddler language skills, critical thinking. Bath time can help her social-emotional development and build her self-esteem.

Preparing For Baby Bath Time

If your baby is still tiny, then you want to get everything ready ahead of time so you can be with her at all times – you can’t blink during bath time! Toddlers can help you prepare, though. I let my Eliana know it’s bath time and I encourage her to undress herself, to help me carry toys, and other simple, age-appropriate tasks that boost her confidence.

I also let Little Pige help me decide what temperature she wants. For babies, be sure to set your water heater below 120 degrees to help prevent the possibility of scalding. Your toddler can tell you what she prefers. Pige loves the water being a bit cooler than her older sisters did, and I know if the temperature is right for her, she is more excited about bath time – and about mom doing things her way. Sometimes I feel like a brand new mom all over again!

Some people will tell you that it’s best to bathe baby or toddler at a certain time (morning or night) but please do yourself a favor and just choose a time that works for you and for your child. Choose a time when you know you will be ready and present for her, and a time when she will enjoy the experience. And put on some music to set the mood!

Preparation time is also transition that gets me in bath mode, where I’m not concerned with anything else – except for this time because I wanted to capture a good (and modest) picture for you. Well, we all did because safety takes a village, and Elisha and Elyssa both stepped in to help with the shoot.

You’ll need a clean washcloth, a tub – any free standing plastic tub will do. Pige outgrew her baby tub because it was designed for a newborn and she’s VERY active, so make sure your child feels comfortable.

You’ll need bath toys – and they don’t have to be fancy or expensive. You can have so much fun with a strainer, a spray bottle or a simple set of colorful measuring cups! There are so many baby bath resources out there: books, washable markers, foam shapes, bubbles, fizzing bath tablets, rubber ducks, wind-up boats, blocks, you name it. Of course, you will be swapping toys often – imagine these many things in a baby bath tub all at once! (Scream!)

And you’ll need the JOHNSON’S® Baby new HEAD-TO-TOE™ line, which includes bath time washes, creams and cleansing cloths.

 JOHNSON'S® Baby Head To Toe Line

I have been using JOHNSON’S® baby products since baby number one. And even though I didn’t always want to be a mom, when I decided it was time, I knew I’d be using JOHNSON’S® for their skin care.

I received these amazing products and we were all excited because JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE™ Extra Moisturizing line is good for babies with sensitive skin – and that has been true of all my babies!

JOHNSON’S® new HEAD-TO-TOE ™ Extra Moisturizing Baby Wash hydrates and enriches baby’s skin in the tub with 10 times more moisturizers than HEAD-TO-TOE™ Wash. It smells nice and feels yummy… and the other way around, too.

It’s Bath Time not Battle Time 

If you’ve been shaking your head thinking bath time can be battle time, hey!, I’ve been there, but I learned very quickly that it can turn into a magical experience with the right dose of creativity and intention.

Now that you have what you need, let’s reframe bath time, because like Wayne Dyer used to say: when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

When you are bathing your beauty, think on this: you are shaping this brand new being into the person he or she will become. And shaping a human is messy… It is literally messy from the moment they come out the birth canal, and it continues throughout life.

Bath time may include throwing toys and splashing and squirting water. It can also include storytelling, songs, games, and lots of teaching: new skills, new words, new ideas, new concepts, new numbers, new memories with the entire family!

Little Pige is never bored with bath time and sometimes she doesn’t want it to end, but at others, she will let me know she’s done. That’s why I’ve learned to tackle shampooing first, because rushing makes it seem like a chore for both her and I.

What will make your bath time a success is to engage and connect with baby, celebrating her and her accomplishments, and letting her know you are paying attention to her every gesture, coo or word. If you are a busy mom, it may be the only time you get to do this all day!

JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE™ Baby Wash is an ultra-mild cleanser clinically proven safe and gentle enough for baby’s delicate skin and sensitive eyes in those first few days of life. Ah how I miss those days!

Every baby’s skin is different, which is why we use different products to meet different needs.

Baby’s Body Is A Wonder – Head To Toe!

It’s a good idea to have dry clothes, and a warm towel standing by for when baby bath time is over. But… wait… don’t get her dressed just yet.

After a bath, cuddle up together, and massage baby’s skin with the new JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE ™ Extra Moisturizing Cream (which leaves baby’s skin hydrated for up to 24 hours) or the beloved HEAD-TO-TOE™ Baby Lotion, which nourishes baby’s delicate skin from day one.

Toddler Massage Time with JOHNSON'S® Baby Head To Toe Line


JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE™ Baby Wash and Lotion were specifically designed to work together in harmony with mom’s touch to nurture baby’s happy, healthy skin and overall development.

Research shows that your touch promotes healthy social-emotional development and enhances your baby’s motor skills.

As you gently apply the dermatologist and pediatrician tested JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE™ lotion, point out and talk about your baby’s different body parts and tell her what a wonder they are. Help her discover and love her body. Affirm, praise, and pray for each and every little part. What a blessing she is! There is so much you can tell her and so much she needs to hear! You will both benefit from having this time together.

Embrace the mess – but have a Plan B!

I’m sure you’re not arguing with me when I say the messiness is real, and there’s much to juggle as a mom to give baby or toddler a bath EVERY single time they get dirty, messy, or get vegan chocolate mouse all over them (that’s probably just my child!), so I (poorly) sang Hallelujah when I learned about the new JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE™ Extra baby Cleansing Cloths which provide gentle cleansing of a JOHNSON’S® bath without the tub and water – whether at home or on the go! I think it’s fabulous to have baby products that work throughout the year, preventing your baby’s skin from drying out no matter the weather.

 JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE™ Extra baby Cleansing Cloths

This is a life-saver with my Little Pigeon. Seriously. I sometimes wonder if people think I don’t ever bathe her, wash her hands, or comb her hair. She’s just full of joy, energy, and adventure… and you get dirty when you’re enjoying life to the fullest. I secretly want to be like her – well, now it’s not a secret. LOL  I know what Jesus meant when he said to be like a child: relax, play… repeat!

I’m learning. I am growing in embracing that all the pain have led me to live a more intentional life and I get to pay it forward in such an amazing way. I pray that you feel more equipped to handle bath time and to make it an opportunity to enjoy the wonder that is motherhood – even amidst the struggles.

How do you make bath time magical? Had you heard of JOHNSON’S® new HEAD-TO-TOE™ bath time washes, creams and cleansing cloths before? I want to learn how you keep your baby’s skin nourished and clean, whether at home or on the go, in the tub or out.



Holly Lasha

Friday 22nd of June 2018

Kids are such a blessing. It's important to keep them clean and healthy. Thanks for the recommendation!

Lydia J. Cohen

Monday 3rd of October 2016

Being a mom is the hardest job on earth. I also had difficulties in the first time. But now everything's gong well. Johnson top to toe is also my favorite. Thanks for sharing.


Monday 29th of August 2016

I use Johnson top to toe for my both 2 kids for about 10 years. it's really good. sometimes I use them instead of shampoo, too. my kids really love bath time, thanks to you and thanks to Johnson & Johnson. :)

Rosie M. Jordan

Thursday 25th of August 2016

Johnson top to toe is really a great product. Its smell is good. I love the bath time with my little angel. It's really a memorable time


Thursday 11th of August 2016

I've always loved bath time with my kids. It is such a special time together.