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3 Ways To Be More Productive As A Mom Entrepreneur

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One of the questions I get asked the most on social media or whenever I speak at a mom entrepreneur conference or event is “how do you get it all done?” Most mompreneurs struggle with the ability to focus because we strive to balance two of the hardest roles ever: being a mom and being an entrepreneur, only to end up feeling frazzled, frantic, and overwhelmed.

3 ways to be more productive as a mom entrepreneur : time-blocking, listening to music, delegating

I love to answer this question because I don’t want anyone to think I’m superhuman (there’s no such thing as a supermom!). There are a few simple ways that any ordinary mom like you and I can do to be a more present mom and more productive mompreneur.

3 Ways To Be More Productive As A Mom Entrepreneur

Productivity Tip for Mompreneurs #1 ~ Time-blocking

I know many mompreneurs swear by the to-do list, but I’m not a big fan. I like to use this cool tool called a calendar to manage my time. My experience with the to-do list is that it becomes this mountain that I can’t ever climb. I admit that it feels great to check things off the list, but that sense of satisfaction wears off when you inevitably look at the other things on the list that you dread and don’t know when you’ll get around to complete them.

Blocking time in your calendar is a productivity hack that assigns a time and space to accomplish specific tasks. It helps you focus, be productive, and make the most of your day, because you give yourself permission to engage in one thing at a time. If you’re not able to complete that goal within the allotted time slot, then you block more time on your schedule to finish it.

Blocking time requires letting go of multitasking. Multitasking is not only not effective, it is actually a very harmful practice and one that can keep you stuck.

Using a timer (your smartphone clock has one built-in) or setting up an alarm or alert are easy ways to remind you that time is over for a task. I also use Google Calendar reminders to keep me on-track, avoiding the shiny-object syndrome and eliminating distractions.
Besides blocking time for work, you must block time to plan, and block time off.

Since Sunday is my Sabbath, my calendar usually reflects no activities other than family and worship on that sacred day.

Best Buy - Sony noise-canceling headphones

Productivity Tip for Mompreneurs #2 ~ Listening to Music

Having your own dedicated space to work is essential for a mompreneur, but you can still be distracted by noises around you, especially when your children are home. As a homeschool mom, this means every hour of every day there are distractions around me.

My daughters are either singing, playing the guitar in the next room, or playing music as they do their chores and work. Eliana is very active, enthusiastic, and energetic, as well, so I need to be able to block everything out and be able to focus while I write, take coaching calls, or get interviewed.

Studies show that high noise levels decrease the brain’s ability to process information, so it’s best to avoid working in a noisy environment, so a good hack is wearing your noise-canceling headphones, so you can focus no matter the noise level around you.

If you use regular earbuds or headphones, you’d have to compensate by turning up the volume, which any audiologist can agree will be harmful to your hearing. Saving your business and saving your hearing is worth the noise-canceling headphones price tag.

I cannot tell you how noise-canceling headphones work, but they work. I was so surprised when my husband let me go into the soundbooth at his hearing aid center because that’s when I realized just how many distracting sounds we hear on a daily basis and we hardly even notice.

Besides tuning out the noise, noise-canceling headphones help us tune-in to productive tracks. Research suggests that listening to music helps increase your focus, improve your efficiency, and boost your work performance. People who listen to music are more creative and complete tasks more quickly than those who do not!

I recommend you get Sony’s New Industry Leading Noise Canceling WH-1000XM3 Headphones, so you can immerse in your music with a proprietary noise cancellation processor, quick charge capabilities, and an updated comfortable design.

The best music to listen to when getting things done is music you enjoy and are familiar with, music with no lyrics, and songs that include sounds of nature (like birds, ocean waves, rain storms, etc.). It’s not a secret that we are more productive when we are in a positive mood, and listening to music can do the trick because music taps into the emotional centers in our brain.

With up to 30 hours of battery life, you can use Sony’s New Industry Leading Noise Canceling WH-1000XM3 Headphones when working at home, working out at the gym, or during your much needed time alone in silence to recharge from motherhood and mompreneurship and keep your sanity. And if the battery dies because you just go and go, quick charging gives five hours of playback with just a 10-minute charge.

Noise-canceling headphones are ideal for me as a mompreneur because they can help me a lot when I travel for my press trips and speaking engagements: I will want to either work or catch up on my sleep while I’m on the plane. Flying with noise-canceling headphones will help you tune-out loud conversations, crying babies, engine noises and other interruptions.

Noise-canceling headphones are a great fit when you work out of public places sometimes – my nearest Starbucks, the airport, and anywhere with Wi-Fi, really. This one is huge for me because I like to take advantage of my time away from the girls so I can be present when I am with them.

Best Buy - Sony noise-canceling headphones

Productivity Tip for Mompreneurs #3 ~ Delegating

I’m excited for Mary Poppins Returns this Christmas, and the new trailer is now available – eek! And if we learned anything from Mary Poppins it’s that sometimes we need a little help to run the kingdom. We’ve been conditioned to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness, but it takes a strong woman to admit “hey, I can’t do it all!” If you don’t ask, no one is going to come down from the heavens with a black umbrella.

Delegating can be hard for us moms. We treat our businesses like we treat our babies, which means we can get over-protective, perfectionist, and afraid to trust anyone with our “precious one.” But delegation is necessary, and worth it.

Have you ever felt like you’re the only one who can do things “the right way”? This kind of thinking will cause you to be overworked, broke, and burned out.

Many mompreneurs cover up their fear of delegation with the excuse “I can’t afford it.” I would argue that it is the other way around: we cannot afford to not delegate. Have you heard of opportunity cost? Not delegating is costing you, because trying to do everything, be everything, and oversee everything is preventing you from doing what “makes the cash register ring.” It’s like the lycra concept: just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should.

Outsourcing and delegating can also provide an opportunity for someone else to learn and earn. I have always involved my kids in my business throughout the years, delegating age-appropriate chores and tasks that free up time for me to focus on what only I can do.

3 ways to be more productive as a mompreneur : time-blocking, listening to music, delegating

These simple practices may require that you step outside of your comfort zone, but they are guaranteed to help you succeed at the two roles that mather the most for you. I am here to help you uncover what has been a secret and a lie, and tap into the power of connection.

What are some ways you become more productive? Share with us in the comments below.


Saturday 6th of October 2018

I didn’t know about the blocking time in the calendar method of boosting productivity, but this the informative article. Thanks for sharing

Sue-Tanya Mchorgh

Wednesday 3rd of October 2018

These are some really great tips for mothers who want to be productive.

Maartje van Sandwijk

Wednesday 3rd of October 2018

Great tips! I would add: get an au pair. I'm one and it's a great way for the parents to get some time to themselves while I look after the kids.

kylie cre8tone

Wednesday 3rd of October 2018

great to become a great mum entrepreneour.. ganbatte.. keep up the good job!


Tuesday 25th of September 2018

All great tips! I need to work on optimizing my time and being more productive. Time blocking and not trying to multi-task all the time wold help so much. Now if only I could stick with it!