As a mom of four girls, I’ve read Dr. Seuss books so many times I have memorized most of them. I am a big fan of Dr. Seuss and I have learned so much from the simple wisdom his books have to offer.

If you missed my first “All I need to know about life, I learned from Dr. Seuss” post, make sure you give it a read.
Dr. Seuss Quotes
The first part had 17 Dr. Seuss quotes, so I’m starting at #18 and I’m excited to share my thoughts on each of them:
Dr. Seuss Quote #18 ~“Think and wonder, wonder and think.”
Motherhood can cause us to live on autopilot. Many of us have been programmed during our upbringing or by the media and we just do what we think we are supposed to do or try to be who we think we are supposed to be. Many of us are afraid to go against the grain; however, it is necessary to pause, to step back, to really think and wonder with intention, in order to be clear and to get focused enough to confidently go where that clarity leads.
Dr. Seuss Quote #19 ~“You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.”
There is so much beauty around us and with everything we do as moms, it can be hard to allow ourselves to take it all in. In the story, Dr. Seuss tells us that there are plenty of things to learn about, and it’s true! There is so much in the world to discover and we must make the time to learn, explore, and enjoy what God created for us.
Dr. Seuss Quote #20 ~ “If things start happening, don’t worry, don’t stew, just go right along and you’ll start happening too.”
Sometimes things happen unexpectedly or in the opposite way we planned them to be. I know this is frustrating, to say the least. However, what gets us stuck is focusing on what’s going wrong. When we start moving on from the painful emotions we can grow through it as we go through it. Of course, you are allowed to grieve your losses and feel your feelings, but rather than dwelling on them, you start to recognize whatever little step you can take, and you summon the courage to take it.
Dr. Seuss Quote #21 ~ “Just tell yourself, Duckie, you’re really quite lucky!”
I always talk about the power of perspective. When we think we may be going through something hard, it may help to realize that our life is “lucky,” in comparison. In “Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?,” Dr. Seuss has a long list of problems we are lucky not to have. This is not to say that your problems aren’t valid, but to remember that it could be worse, and that you have blessings you can count, too!
Dr. Seuss Quote #22 ~ “You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go.”
One of the most important realizations in my life was to understand that I am ultimately the only one who is responsible for my own results. I’m on my own, but it doesn’t mean I’m alone or that I have to feel lonely.
Being “on my own” gives me freedom to choose where I will go, when I will go, and how far I’ll go. Everything you’ve learned has prepared you to make better choices and choose a better path.
Dr. Seuss Quote #23 ~ “Teeth are always in style.”
I love this one so much because I’m not very trendy or fashionable, but I always have my smile going for me.
Smiling can help you become more positive, be more productive, and create a better life – plus, you will look your best!
Dr. Seuss Quote #24 ~ “You have to be odd to be #1”
Are you odd? I am!
Almost everyone who is now a success was considered to be awkward, odd, or weird. Being unique and authentic is going to help you achieve everything you’ve dreamed of. Keep it up!
Dr. Seuss Quote #25 ~ “Only you can control your future.”
I always say that Choices Create Circumstances. Control is really an illusion, but we can shape our future by the choices we make.
Through your thoughts, your feelings, your words, and your actions, you are choosing your future, and it’s really up to you to think positively, feel positively, speak positively, and act positively.
Dr. Seuss Quote #26 ~ “So, open your mouth, lad! For every voice counts!”
Sometimes we may think our voice doesn’t matter or that no one wants to hear it anyway. This can be something that stems from childhood, especially if you were raised in a culture where kids aren’t taken seriously.
You must speak up when you have something to say. Your opinion matters and you have a right to be heard.
Dr. Seuss Quote #27 ~ “Step with care and great tact, and remember that life’s a great balancing act.”
I know a lot of people don’t believe in balance, but balancing is what this life is all about, because balance is achieved through boundaries. You want to be mindful of every step you take, of every move you make… Yeah, now I’m thinking of that song, too!
Life is all about taking steps that are meaningful and that contribute to the life you wish to create. So take those steps with purpose. And forgive yourself for any missteps along the way!
Dr. Seuss Quote #28 ~ “You’re in pretty good shape for the shape you are in.”
I promise this is not a backhanded compliment (I can’t stand those). This is one of my favorite Dr. Seuss quotes because it can keep you grateful and, at the same time, it can keep you humble.
“You’re in pretty good shape” tells you that you’re doing better than you think you are.
“…for the shape you are in” refers to the fact that there’s still potential to tap into. You’re not done and you’re not yet where you could be.
I am always taking inventory and evaluating the shape I’m in: physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and relationally. I think we could make it a daily ritual – don’t you think?
Dr. Seuss Quote #29 ~“All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something you’ll be quite a lot. – Dr. Seuss”
Being alone was my biggest fear, even though it’s also my go-to false strategy when I feel depressed.
I can write a book series about all the foolish things I’ve done over my lifetime just not to be alone, so I’m happy to report that I am finally in recovery.
Being alone is part of life, and it’s not as scary as it sounds. It can actually be a gift once we realize it will inevitably happen and we can make the best of it.
Dr. Seuss Quote #30 ~ “Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”
I love Sassy Feisty Dr. Seuss, because I am sassy and feisty, too.
I have learned that my defiance and stubbornness is best used on my fears, limiting beliefs, and feelings of defeat.
Give your troubles some trouble.
Tell your troubles you’re about to show them what you’re made of.
Although it’s sad that it was a bit triggering to me, at first, now I think of a baseball bat of a way to scare my troubles away, rather than a weapon against me.
Who knew reading Dr. Seuss would be healing for me? Most of what we do as moms can be!
Dr. Seuss Quote #31 ~ “Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
I have been guilty of being mean to “Today.” You know what I mean, right?
I’ve said things like: “Today was terrible. So glad it’s over!” And I “throw the baby with the bath water.”
And don’t get me wrong, though. I know some days are hard. I know what hard days feel like. And hard weeks, and months, and years.
But there’s something about acknowledging the good and the fun in “Today.” Gratitude gives us a greater perspective because gratitude is the birthplace of joy.
No matter how hard Today was, there was something to be grateful for, and there will also be something to be grateful for Tomorrow.
Dr. Seuss Quote #32 ~ “It’s not about what it is. It’s about what it can become.”
This Dr. Seuss quote hits hard. Very often, it’s difficult to see past what is going on right now and to even imagine that it can become better.
It takes a lot of faith to believe that painful things can happen for our good, and to be honest, when you’re feeling down, faith can be the first thing to go.
The good news is that faith can be restored, and then we can see beyond our current reality!
Dr. Seuss Quote #33 ~”You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.”
I think Dr. Seuss was specifically thinking about me with this quote. I am a lifelong learner and I love to learn so much that I’m always studying something. Are you like that, too?
Over the years, I’ve learned that the best things we learn are from self-discovery, from really unlearning some of what we’ve been taught and finding the truth from above and within ourselves.

I’m sure there will be a part III of this series, but we’re done for now and there’s much to ponder about. There’s so much insight in these children’s books and my inner little girl is excited.
What is your favorite Dr. Seuss quote? Share with us in the comments below.
Melissa L.
Monday 13th of July 2020
We love Dr. Suess books! And I love all these great quotes in one spot!
Saturday 11th of July 2020
I grew up with these books! :)
Tuesday 7th of July 2020
He was very wise. My kids & I both loved his books.
shelly peterson
Tuesday 7th of July 2020
Dr. Seuss has some great quotes. We love Dr. Seuss books. I like the quote, “It’s not about what it is. It’s about what it can become.”
Ntensibe Edgar
Thursday 2nd of July 2020
“You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go.” I love it. So true.