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My ONE Word This Year: FULFILL

I’ve been choosing my ONE WORD of the year for several years now and I am convinced that this practice has helped me fully align with the path and purpose that God has for me.

I always say that your ONE WORD chooses you, because as you tune out the noise, harness your intuition, and prayerfully consider what kind of year you will have, it will come to you and it will feel really clear why. You can learn how to choose your ONE WORD by reading my post about it.

The word I will use to describe how I will live and be this year is FULFILL.

My ONE WORD of the year: Fulfill [2017]

The word FULFILL has it origin in the late Old English fullfyllan, which means to “fill up” or to “make full.”
I have been planting, building, and molding, putting the pieces together in all areas of my life, and my soul is now telling me it is time to execute!
The word FULFILL communicates the successful completion of a process rather than the means of carrying it out. I am ready.

What does FULFILL mean?

  1. Fulfill means to bring something to completion, conclusion, fruition, or reality
  2. Fulfill means to achieve, accomplish, or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted)
  3. Fulfill means to fully develop one’s potential to the fullest degree
  4. Fulfill means to perform or carry out (a task, duty, or role) as required, pledged, or expected.
  5. Fulfill means to meet or satisfy (hopes, requirements, expectations, obligations, conditions etc.) or live up to a standard

In Spanish, fulfill is translated as cumplir and realizar. Cumplir has to do with a promise. Realizar means to see a dream come true.

I like this thought by James Cameron: “There are many talented people who haven’t fulfilled their dreams because they over thought it, or they were too cautious, and were unwilling to make the leap of faith.” 

"There are many talented people who haven't fulfilled their dreams because they over thought it, or they were too cautious, and were unwilling to make the leap of faith." ~ James Cameron quote
As I go into the new year, I will be letting go of overthinking, I will taking courageous moves that support the fulfillment of my destiny, and I will be leaping toward my BOLD goals.
I also declare that I will stand in complete gratitude, feeling whole and satisfied, realizing that who I am, what I do, and what I have or experience is enough.


My New Year manifesto includes my passions and priorities, my values, and my intentions in the areas that matter most to me:
  1. My faith ~This year I will fulfill my promises to God and will constantly remind myself with certainty that He will fulfill His promises to me.
  2. Myself ~ This year I will fulfill my needs and my desires, nurturing myself through activities that make me feel more alive, engaged, and connected. my ,sanity, success, and satisfaction.
  3. My marriage ~ This year I will fulfill my responsibilities as a wife and equal life partner to my husband.
  4. My children ~ This year I will fulfill my mission as a mom, inspiring my daughters to be their best and live their best life.
  5. My calling ~ This year I will fulfill projects, products, and programs to empowering messages to more moms worldwide.

My Scripture this year is found on Luke 1:45. It will help me upgrade my belief as I am guided to take inspired action to support greater sanity, success, and satisfaction in my life:

“And blessed is she who believed that what was spoken to her by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

I declare that this year I will:
Dare to Fulfill my ambitions
Find Fulfillment in marriage and motherhood
Pursue only Fulfilling connections and situations
Feel Fulfilled with what is
Establish a Fulfillment house that blesses moms around the globe
I’ll be constantly checking in with myself, asking:
When was the last time you felt fulfilled?
How can I generate fulfillment in my life?
How can I align with the person I am meant to BE.
I am fulfilled when I can be who I want to BE ~ Deepak Chopra meditation quote
 Deepak Chopra once used a centering thought for meditation that goes: I am fulfilled when I can be who I want to be. As I release old patterns and make choices that are in harmony with the outcomes I desire, I know I will be enlightened and able to see them materialize before my eyes.

What is your ONE WORD this year? Why did you choose it? Here’s a fun challenge! Use Canva or another App to make a visual graphic to share it online, print, and display it in a visible space. You can also write a blog post like mine – and if you do, feel free to leave the URL below your comment, too!


Kelly Reci

Friday 10th of February 2017

i like all the Fulfill meanings on this article! they are all true and i can relate! very nicce post!

Travel Blogger

Thursday 9th of February 2017

What an amazing post! I love the word fulfill! It is so powerful and hopeful. There is so much in my own life that I want to fulfill, and this year I have got to go for it!

Mihaela Echols

Monday 23rd of January 2017

This is my favorite post I have read all day. I loved all the definitions for the meaning. Your goals are so important and as you said fill ourselves up with God is so important.

Do you struggle with making your resolutions stick? #spoonfulsofgoodness ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥

Tuesday 17th of January 2017

[…] year is a big milestone in my life, and besides continuing to be a morning person, my plan is to become a fulfilled woman. I am excited about the journey and even more excited to share it with […]

Cindy Ingalls

Monday 9th of January 2017

I've been seeing this idea around a lot in the past week or so. I'm so intrigued by choosing a word for yourself. It seems so much more simple than resolutions and can help set the tone for how you live and go about every day.