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Get Inspired With These Quotes By The Positive MOM

Growing up, it seemed like everyone around me responded to any life situation with a quote or a proverb. We called them “refranes” and they carried in them wise advice, fair warnings, or friendly reminders. These quotes helped me understand life and many of them helped build my character.

And then, one fine day, while going through other people’s trash in the landfill behind our home, I fell in love with Reader’s Digest magazine. There was a section called “Citas Citables” (Quotable Quotes), which introduced me to quotes from the most brilliant minds across history and the most notable people across the world.

I was fascinated. I had always wanted to learn how these people thought, because, as young as I was, deep inside, I wanted to grow up to be like them someday!

I started collecting quotes and feeding my mind with them. I would write them in every spare room I had in my notebooks, and even in my Bible! A girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do!

Quotes help us all learn complex principles in a simple way. I love them so much that I started to write my own.

Get inspired with these quotes by The Positive MOM

But they’re not my own, even though I thought, felt, and said them. They are quotes by The Positive MOM, the part of me who consciously gets access to her Higher Power.

Get Inspired with These Quotes by The Positive MOM

Whether I’m in front of the screen or in front of an audience, I get snippets of wisdom from above and I want to share them with you.

~ “BE positive and you’ll BE powerful” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “JOY is happiness shared~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Be the Change you wish to see in your Child” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Pain is the common thread of humanity.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Balance is not about having it all; it is about enjoying ALL that matters!” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Choices Create Circumstances” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Life is All About Moments…and The PEOPLE Who Make Them Happen” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Experiencing defeat is inevitable, accepting it or mastering it is up to you” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “When you lead with purpose, you have a clear sense of direction to guide you toward having what you want to have, doing what you want to do, and being who you want to become.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “YOU are a choice away from turning any burden into a blessing.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “A positive mother doesn’t tell a child what he SHOULD BE, she tells him what he COULD BE” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Rejection is redirection.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Gratitude is the birthplace of joy.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Attitude determines outcome” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Love is the ultimate medicine.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Faith + Gratitude = Positivity”  ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “When God gives you a VISION, you have permission to pursue it, and you’ll have provision to fulfill it.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Give your children guidance, encourage them to dream, and don’t forget to give them wings!” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Whether it is self-talk, written or spoken communication, words have the power to heal or hurt, inspire or put down, unite or divide, show love or hate, influence for better or for worse…” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Even eagles need a push to fly, but they SOAR on their own.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “LOVE, APPRECIATE, and VALUE your mission and calling as a mom. See it for what it is: a partnership with God to save mankind.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Living Simply Is Simply Living.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “The circumstances, situations, resources or people around you will not determine where you will go, who you will become or what your life will be like … YOU do” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Don’t prove, improve!” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Progress is Success.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Stop quantifying your miracles.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “The best gift you can give the people in your life is a healthier, happier YOU!” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Worthiness and busyness are not synonymous.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “The best gift you can give the people in your life is a healthier, happier YOU!” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Self-care is the delicate balance between selfishness and self-sacrifice.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Don’t attach your identity and worth to possessions, position, or performance | Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “There’s a ‘once upon a time’ for every ‘happily ever after’.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Your child does not want a supermom, your child wants a positive mom.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “We must not be so preoccupied with reaching our divine potential, that we are unable to see the wholeness of our divine worth.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Busyness is not worthiness.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
 ~ “Don’t attach your identity and worth to possessions, position, or performance.” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Pure love is the only force that can heal hurts, ease fears, and right wrongs .” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Pain is an effective teacher when I am a diligent student” ~ Elayna Fernandez
~ “Our world is our mirror…GLOBAL change starts within.” ~ Elayna Fernandez

It is my biggest desire right now that you feel inspired by these quotes because they are indeed inspired quotes. To inspire means “to excite, encourage, or breathe life into someone,” and I know that each of these represents a particular moment in which I needed a purpose, meaning, and light in my life.

I am so grateful.

I will keep adding more as I remember them, stumble upon them in my old writings or my audience’s old tweets, or as new ones are downloaded into my awareness.

Which quote by The Positive MOM is your favorite? Share your own quotes, too!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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Tamara R.

Tuesday 16th of June 2020

So many of these quotes are something that I could definitely benefit from reading/hearing on a daily basis.

kelly woods

Tuesday 16th of June 2020

Thank you for sharing! Alot of great quotes.

dwight mccoy

Sunday 14th of June 2020

Great post!

missy ellis

Thursday 11th of June 2020

I like the post


Wednesday 10th of June 2020

Such a motivating post!! Thank you!