Co-parenting is an arrangement made between parents after a divorce and helps to guide how the two will participate in their children’s upbringing.
Depending on how the divorce went, this can be a relatively simple process or a very complex one. But whatever the case, it needs to be addressed so that parents can work together for the best of their children.
To offer you support and inspiration, I decided to share a collection of some of the best co-parenting quotes.
Never a Co-Parent
I have been through two divorces and I have four children. Two of my daughters are a product of the first marriage and two are a product of the second. For some reason, I didn’t want to write “last.” Hm… That’s interesting.
So, both of these men, my exes, decided to not be a part of their children’s lives. This means I have been not only a single mom, but a solo mom.
If I’m completely honest with you and with myself, I have never been a co-parent. Even when I was married, I was the only functioning parent. Scratch that – I was over-functioning.
This is not something I say so you think I’m a great parent or a perfect parent (a super mom or perfect mom does not exist!).
I say it because I have learned so much about myself and why the emotional damage I went through in my childhood and early youth set me up for these kinds of relationships.
I wasn’t wanted, so I survived by being needed. Yes, doing “too much” is one of the most common trauma coping skills.
If I had a choice in the matter, I would choose to co-parent, and I would choose to do everything in my power to co-parent peacefully.
But we can’t control people, right? We can’t control ourselves, either.
So my hope is to share some inspiring co-parenting quotes that can help you be a positive mom during and after the divorce process. T
hese co-parenting quotes will empower you to understand which practices help you foster a positive environment, without unnecessary emotional drama and trauma.
Challenges of Co-parenting
There’s no doubt that most parents have the best interests of the child or children at heart. Both you and your ex are usually looking after your child’s needs is always a top priority.
But co-parenting can also be a complex time because the end of a romantic relationship is rarely easy. That’s why many parents now consider co-parenting arrangements as a key part of any divorce agreement in order to be the best parents they can be.
This type of arrangement will now include key areas such as how decisions are made about health care issues, extracurricular activities, and even things such as transporting children to activities, school, or other locations. Having these plans in place from the earliest possible stage reduces ongoing conflict.
When you are both peaceful with one another and resolve your adult problems, it helps foster strong children, preserve your children’s innocence, and help children cope with the divorce.
Best Co-parenting Quotes for Positive MOMs
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of the parents.” ~ Jane D. Hull
“Your children need your presence more than your presents.” ~ Jesse Jackson
“This is probably one of the most difficult challenges any parent could face, learning to love the other parent enough to make the children first.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant
“You have to get to that point as a divorced parent, as any parent, where you’re not putting yourself first. You want the kids’ experience to be its own.” ~ Ryan Phillippe
“I don’t think the children want to see their parents suffer from the differences in themselves.” ~ Unknown
“I’m really fortunate because my ex and I are very good friends and I talk to him every day. Our daughter is growing up seeing two people who care about each other. We may not be a traditional family on paper but we are a family and I tell her that families come in all shapes and sizes, but [a family is] love and I see her really flourishing because she sees two people treating each other with respect.” ~ Angela Kinsey
“But at the end of the day, we’ve got a great kid who’s got two parents who love him very much. And we’re finding a way to navigate this while still remaining friends and still being kind to one another.” ~ Chris Pratt
“The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other.” ~ Jane Blaustone
“A family portrait is only complete with love to fill its frame.” ~ Wes Fesler
“Keep in mind, there was a time when you loved your ex. Even if you can’t stand the sight of them now, your child never fell out of love. And they never will.” ~ Unknown
“Kids need parents, not a part-time visitor with a checkbook.” ~ Unknown
“Co-parenting is not asking permission. It’s about discussing your child’s needs and wants and deciding what’s best.” ~
“Instead of raising children who turn out okay despite their childhood, let’s raise children who turn out extraordinary because of their childhood.” ~ L.R. Knost
“The best, most mature co-parent will tell their therapist – and not their child – how much the other parent sucks.” ~ Unknown
“When you tell your kid that you hate the other parent, you are basically telling them that you hate half of who they are.” ~ Unknown
“No matter how you feel about your ex, try your best to be peaceful. Hold space for your child to love you both without guilt.” ~ Hayley Gallagher
“Co-parenting is not a competition. It is a collaboration of two working together with the best interest of the child at heart.” ~ Unknown
“Think of it as an important business project; you don’t always love the person that you’re working with, but you work together to get the project done. Co-parents need to adopt this same business model when co-parenting their children.” ~ Kela Price
“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” ~ Barbara Johnson
“Co-parenting with an ex can be tough, but if you stay calm and keep your child’s needs in focus, your actions will always be sound, no matter how your co-parent might behave.” ~ Unknown
“If you love your child more than you hate your ex, you can solve most co-parenting problems.” ~ Helen Fried
“It’s harder in the beginning, of course. But you just have to make a concerted effort to really think about what is best for the children in this moment, and you have to push your own reactivity down as best you can.” ~ Gwyneth Paltrow
“I’m really fortunate because my ex and I are very good friends and I talk to him every day. Our daughter is growing up, seeing two people who care about each other. We may not be a traditional family on paper, but we are a family, and I tell her that families come in all shapes and sizes, but [a family is] love, and I see her really flourishing because she sees two people treating each other with respect.” ~ Angela Kinsey
“All I care about is happy kids, and we all make that the priority.” ~ Kate Hudson
“Children need and deserve the care, love, and support of both parents.” ~ Unknown
“We’re still friends ― and we’re parents. But it’s going to take time. It’s tough. But for the most part, I feel very proud of the way we’re handling it. I really do. We are doing the best we can for the kids.” ~ Jennifer Lopez
“We both realize that we’re parents and we’re in it for our kid, and that’s made it really easy.” ~ Pete Wentz
Inspiration for Co-Parenting
There’s no doubt that positive co-parenting quotes, quotes that bring a smile to your face or bring a bit of sadness are a great way to help you see your way when you are doing this for real. The collaboration of parents doing their best for their kids is a powerful thing, especially at such a difficult time.
When parents don’t cooperate because of their own selfish needs, and consciously sabotage each other, it has the worst effects on children’s development and mental health. Effective co-parenting is effective parenting.
Hopefully, these quotes will offer you a little insight or simply make you feel more confident and banish those negative emotions to work with your ex-partner for the best of the children.
Even though you may have different visions and may want to go in different directions even in key things or big things related to parenting, you can both focus on making this transition a healthy time for your children.
Do you co-parent or know someone who co-parents? Share which of these co-parenting quotes resonates most with you in the comments section below!
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

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Larissa N
Saturday 25th of May 2024
What a strong woman! Thank you for sharing more about your journey and your children and lucky to have you!
Tuesday 21st of May 2024
Lots of great advice here.
Monday 20th of May 2024
Very good advice.
Janette Alcala
Monday 20th of May 2024
I never got to co-parent as he always made excuses as to why he couldn't be around. The quote that resonated with me was, “Your children need your presence more than your presents.” ~ Jesse Jackson
It was something I couldn't stress enough with my ex. My daughter loved when he would show up and I was more than happy not receive monetary assistance as long as she could spend time with her dad. Unfortunately, he had other priorities. Which was ok too. All I know is that I got to love, know, and enjoy an amazing child and so did her stepdad.
These were great quotes and great advice on loving your child enough to learn to co-parent.
Will G
Sunday 19th of May 2024
Good advice!