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Interview Your Child

This is too cute not to publish. Elisha was 6 and Elyssa was 5…that’s right, that was 3 years ago!!!

I translated what they answered in Spanish into English.

interview your child - MOMtivation the positive mom blog

I am melting with these answers. They grow up so fast. Have fun!

1.What is something mom always says to you?

Elisha: Te amo. (I love you)
Elyssa: Te amo. (I love you)

2. What makes mom happy?

Elisha: Being with me.
Elyssa: Que yo este con ella. (when I am with her)

3. What makes mom sad?

Elisha: Not being with me.
Elyssa: Que yo no este con ella. (When I am not with her)

4. How does your mom make you laugh?

Elisha: Con un abrazo y beso. (with a kiss and a hug)
Elyssa: Cuando ella esta conmigo. (when she’s with me)

5. What was your mom like as a child?

Elisha: Lindaaa. (beautifuLLLLL)
Elyssa: Muy buena. (Very nice)

6. How old is your mom?

Elisha: ahhhh, no me recuerdo. (ahhhh, I can’t remember)
Elyssa: Yo no se. (I don’t know )

7. How tall is mom?

Elisha: Tall like a tree.
Elyssa: Mediana. (medium sized)

8. What is her favorite thing to do?

Elisha: Estar conmigo por siempre. (to be with me forever)
Elyssa: Estar con nosotrasss. (to be with ussssss)

9. What does your mom do when you’re not around?

Elisha: She cries.
Elyssa: Se pone triste. (she gets sad)

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

Elisha: Para comprarnos todo lo que queremos. (to buy us everything we want)
Elyssa: Con nosotras. (with us)

11. What is your mom really good at?

Elisha: Haciendo su trabajo. (doing her job)
Elyssa: Que nos cuida muy bien. (taking good care of us)

12. What is your mom not very good at?

Elisha: Ahhh, no se. (hmmm I don’t know)
Elyssa: Peliando con nosotras. (not good at scolding us)

13. What does your mom do for her job?

Elisha: Ella trabaja. (she works)
Elyssa: Para comprarnos cosas. (to buy us lots of things)

14. What is your mom’s favorite food?

Elisha: Pollo, lechuga, zanahoria. (chicken, lettuce and carrots)
Elyssa: No me recuerdooo. (I can’t remember)

15. What makes you proud of your mom?

Elisha: Que ella este conmigo para siempre porque yo la amo mucho. (to be with me forever because I love her so much)
Elyssa: Que trabaje mucho por mi. (that she works so much for me)

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?

Elisha: Snoopyyyyyy!
Elyssa: Snoopyyyyyy!

17. What do you and your mom do together?

Elisha: We play together.
Elyssa: Nosotras jugamos con ella y nos divertimos mucho.(we play with her and have so much fun)

18. How are you and your mom the same?

Elisha: La piel. (our skin)
Elyssa: Iguales.(we are the same)

19. How are you and your mom different?

Elisha: El cabello.(our hair)
Elyssa: Si yo fuera negra no nos parecieramos. (If I were black, we would not look alike)

20. How do you know your mom loves you?

Elisha: Porque yo lo se. (because I know it)
Elyssa: Porque ella es muy cariñosa y me da cariño todos los dias. (because she is very affectionate and gives me love every day)

21. Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?

Elisha: Sea world, tu sabes donde estan todas esas criaturas. (Seaworld, you know, where all those creatures are)
Elyssa: ahhh! El campo. (ahhh…the country!)

Will you interview your child?



Friday 20th of January 2012

Lol very funny! I will do that with my child :)


Thursday 19th of January 2012

Ah. How adorable! Only a 5 year old would think you're tall like a tree ;) I need to interview Stella now.


Thursday 12th of January 2012

hahaha. i will try to ask my kids like this too. thanks for sharing.