My siblings and I grew up in financial poverty and lacked a lot of the things most kids take for granted in other circumstances, especially in surroundings more developed than the small Dominican slum where we grew up.
The irony is that people would actually comment that “we acted like rich kids” We wore hand-me-downs, worn-out shoes, and out-grown clothes, so to me, this seemed strange. It wasn’t like we were pretending to be rich or even could get away with it. There is something to that concept.
- Have you ever stopped to think what makes people seem like they have money?
- How can you tell someone is a millionaire?
- Is there such thing like a millionaire attitude?
I am certain there is such a thing, but it is more than just a general attitude, it is a set of attitudes and habits, which is called a Mindset.
I think that is what the teachers and people in our community saw in the Fernandez kids: a desire to be more, a desire to overcome, grow and become.
With that in mind, I want to explore what it takes to develop a Millionaire Mom Mindset – a desire and willingness to enjoy financial abundance, prosperity, and freedom.
I assure you it is possible for you. Millionaire moms are not smarter or more capable than you or have more limbs and/or organs. I’m sure they were all made in God’s image just like you did, and as far as I know, they all have 24 hours each day. Then… what makes them different?

The secret of millionaire moms is that they have learned to develop a different relationship with money and “make themselves” implement simple, yet powerful daily habits in all areas of their lives.
5 Millionaire Mom Mindset Insights
The favorite 5 millionaire mindset insights I have learned:

In his audiobook The Power of Self Discipline, one of my mentors, Brian Tracy, teaches that millionaires practice delayed gratification. They believe you ought to “spend as much time investigating the investment as you would spend earning the money that it would cost you.”
Wealth is built slowly, not overnight; however, it can be spent seemingly overnight, and being intentional, cautious, and prayerful about where money must go is essential.
During the first couple of years of single motherhood, I remember my kids at times wanted something and I refused to declare the words “we can’t afford it.” I came up with the idea of a “dream journal” in which they would illustrate, with stick figures at first, and with images later, what they wanted.
There was a 30-day revision and usually they didn’t even want most of it anymore. I learn so much from my kids, so I have been able to benefit a lot from that principle.

I’ve heard that the average adult spends 2-3 hours each month studying and thinking about their money. In contrast, self-made millionaires spend around 20-30 hours per month thinking, studying and planning their finances.
I admit that online banking, budgeting, bookkeeping activities, meal planning, and looking for spending patterns take a great deal of my time… and having the discipline to do these really pays off.
I believe that provident living breeds sanity, and while I may not enjoy the numbers deal because I’m still working on making math my friend, I do enjoy the feelings that come as a result of these practices (and the ones that don’t, too!).

Millionaires have two rules about money: “Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.” Millionaire moms are expert negotiators and spend money consciously, and they also own their worth, demanding to get paid for the value they bring.
Society paints a picture of a millionaire being a person who spends mindlessly, but if you think about it, they are millionaires because they consistently KEEP the money they earn, and they did that by consistently living below their means, saving, and avoiding debt.
I personally believe that debt equals misery and that interest is like a merciless slave master that steals our joy and our peace.
Millionaires have the belief that they deserve money and what they desire to buy with it, and therefore go after it. They understand that the “life in abundance” we were promised is prosperous in all areas of life.

If there was a lesson we all learned from Rich Dad, Poor Dad [ the bestseller by Robert Kiyosaki that also applies for moms ] is that millionaires are focused on self-improvement.
Being a constant learner is sure to get you started on a millionaire mom mindset journey. Seeking teachers, guides, mentors, coaches, and trainers is crucial to make positive progress and it requires being coachable, being willing to unlearn what doesn’t serve you, and being willing to trust the process.

Millionaire moms are Positive Moms because they cast out their inner-bully demons and negative self-talk. We all experience negative emotions, but we can control how we respond. And yes, I know it’s not that easy, but it is possible, and like I always say: progress IS success.
Being positive doesn’t mean never having negative thoughts or doubts. It simply means you can bounce back as quick as possible because you have equipped yourself with empowering tools, surrounded yourself with empowering people, and fed your mind and spirit with empowering principles that set you free – the truth will always set you free!
Millionaire moms use the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind to create their life blueprint filled with joy, meaning, and freedom, on their own terms even when negativity, overwhelm, and challenges arise.

Do YOU want to develop a Millionaire Mom Mindset?
The millionaire mom life I’m talking about is not just financial independence and wealth. I am talking about freedom that goes beyond monetary success. It is about having what YOU deeply desire, having it in abundance, and enjoying it every day of your life.
God has plans to PROSPER you and He wants to do that in THIS life and in the way YOU will experience joy.
Poet Rumi once wrote “What you seek is seeking YOU” and I believe that. If you find yourself yearning for a vision, God has created the provision for you to see it manifested.

When you change your mindset around money, your life is going to inevitably change to the same extent. What would this mean for you? What would this mean for the ones you love?
Writing the answers to those questions was very enlightening for me because I realized that it would be selfish for me to shrink and hide when I have been given gifts to bless my children, to bless my posterity.
The Parable of the Talents in the Bible (Matthew 25:14-30) started making a lot more sense because when I first read it, I thought the master may be overreacting a little. Why would he be thrown into outer darkness simply for burying this thing?
I am not a millionaire mom who has millions in a bank account, I’m a millionaire mom who has the freedom to bless millions by using the talent (potential) that God gave me.
I’m breaking curses, ending cycles, unlearning dysfunction, and teaching my daughters what I learn, about money, about love, about life, and most importantly, about who they are in God.
If you were to continue living with your current money mindset, who would you bless? Now get ready because I may be ripping your bandaid with this question: If you were to continue living with your current money mindset, who would you curse? Yikes!
I admit that developing a millionaire mom mindset takes a great deal of Clarity, Courage, Confidence, and Consistency, [ It’s not an Elayna blog post unless there’s alliteration ]. The most important C of it all is Community – YUP that makes five C’s. Which of these elements are you lacking and need to put in place?
Even though the steps to becoming a millionaire aren’t rocket science or brain surgery, they become difficult to accomplish when we are not in a supportive environment, surrounded by people, mentors, and partners who challenge us to grow, and pursue our greatness purpose.
What does your millionaire mom dream look like and who will support you in your journey? Share with us in the comments below.
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

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Busting The Scary Myths Of Your Childhood ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥
Tuesday 24th of March 2020
[…] faith, adventure, and contribution, and having the tools and resources available to do so. Being rich is not being evil, greedy, or stingy, as some of us grew up believing, it is being smart with your […]
Elyssa Fernandez
Wednesday 14th of August 2019
I love all of this. Those are some very powerful questions you ask. If there's anything I've learned from you, it's that what truly makes an impact on our lives is our mindset. Something that was impressed upon me as I read this was what you said about having a mindset of abundance, and truly believing that we deserve abundance and that it is available to us. I need to work on this mindset, and also a mindset that is less negative.
Thursday 8th of August 2019
Elayna: For the first time in my life, I know that I am in a good place in my "financial mind." We are at a church that has right teaching concerning finances, I am learning and growing and able to accept a working woman is not a bad thing. I spent too many years believing hiding the fact that I worked so I would seem like "a good wife." And I have a fantastic mentor who is speaking life into my heart, mind and business.
Elisha Fernandez
Thursday 8th of August 2019
It’s always about investments. Millionaires are tactical with their business and life decisions. I think that planning is crucial for all life decisions, not just money. I also love the lesson that you need to keep learning, growing, and improving.
Rebecca Bryant
Wednesday 7th of August 2019
this was a very inspiring read. As someone who has always stressed about money and lives paycheck to paycheck with not much left after bills having a millionaire mindset seems scary. That said I am willing to learn and give this a try if for no other reason than to stop stressing.