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Do You Make These Mistakes In Dieting?

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In case you missed my post last week, I’ve started my first diet EVER, based on the bestselling book Always Eat After 7PM by Joel Marion.

Always Eat After 7PM - Joel Marion - Do You Make These Mistakes In Dieting?

Today, I’ll be covering some mistakes, myths, and misconceptions in traditional dieting, based on an in-depth interview with Joel Marion, fitness expert, nutritionist and 6-time bestselling author.

#1. You don’t follow a diet backed by recent research

One of the main reasons I never followed a diet before is that I don’t like to experiment with my health. I also don’t like to waste time or effort. I like proven systems and reliable processes.

Joel Marion said the following about developing the Always Eat After 7PM diet:

It actually took several years of researching for me to discover the real science of eating late night. After a few years of tweaking and refining, I finally came up with a rapid fat loss solution that overcomes all the pitfalls of traditional diets.

The most surprising discovery when he was researching scientific data for the diet was that “almost everything my college education and certifications taught me was NOT grounded in published scientific research.

Weight loss in itself is not a strong enough selling point for me. I’m more about a reliable system that allows me to enjoy life more because I feel better, I look better, and I have better health.

#2. You don’t eat late at night or before bed

I’m striving to sleep more and go to bed at a predetermined time, but with 4 kids, work to do, and school assignments due, it’s quite a challenge for me… and I refuse to starve myself in the process.

Joel Marion said that, after authoring 6 bestselling book found that not being able to eat at night is a big misconception of dieting.

Science now shows that is NOT true,” says Marion.

Reading the book to understand how this works has been an enlightening experience for me, and I’m glad I don’t have to feel guilty about eating late anymore.

#3. You think a difficult diet = a good diet

When asked how difficult the Always Eat After 7PM plan is to follow, author Joel Marion answered: “It’s not. And that’s exactly why I wrote the book. While any diet is never truly easy, it can be more enjoyable and much easier to adhere to when you understand how Always Eat After 7pm works because it caters to our bodies natural instincts.

This is what is most attractive to me about this diet. I know there is discipline involved in any plan, but I don’t like to follow anything that feels unnatural or against my better judgment.

You don’t have to deal with the burden of eating every few hours. And you don’t have to skip the carbs at dinnertime or avoid eating before bed.

I know that I probably won’t succeed in everything I set out to do, but I don’t like to set myself up for failure from the start.

#4. You believe dieting means eating small portions.

In the book, Joel Marion debunks the myth that “you can’t eat large portions that satisfy your natural instinct.” He says the book provides: “an evidence-based, enjoyable approach to dieting that can be used by any person to quickly achieve their weight loss goals.”

Sometimes I eat small portions, but sometimes that’s not enough. I believe that our bodies are perfectly designed and one of my current goals is to listen to my body – I don’t feel good in any way when I ignore my needs.

#5. You follow diets that deprive you of your favorite foods

I always say “we love people, not food,” but it is true we have very strong feelings about the food we like. I enjoy certain foods that are usually off limits for diets and that has discouraged me from following them.

According to Joel Marion, this is the biggest difference in the Always Eat After 7PM diet: “Although many of the concepts are similar, the biggest difference is that you don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods.

3 Reasons Traditional Diets Don’t Work

In Always Eat After 7PM, Joel Marion explains why traditional diets won’t work. This resonated so much with me that I had to share it with you:

→ Traditional diets are boring and lack variety.

→Traditional diets can be summarized by one word: restriction.

→ Traditional diets yield results that aren’t substantial enough to warrant the sacrifice. Ain’t that the truth!

Always Eat After 7PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion offers a simple, highly effective weight loss program and is now available for purchase. I am so glad I was able to share this interview with you.

Joel Marion has a wonderful mission and he describes himself in three words: Born To Impact! Get to know him better in this video:

Learn more about the Always Eat After 7PM book!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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How To Become More Positive Through Your Diet Today ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥

Monday 8th of June 2020

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Jessica Collazo

Friday 5th of June 2020

Is good to know all these things about diets.I actually won't eat before bed because I have diabetes and if I eat before bed,unless I eat a protein ,my sugar will Spike during my sleep and I will get high blood sugar in the morning and I don't like that. It's not good I actually do intermittent fasting and it really helped me to control my sugar levels.

Lavern Moore

Friday 5th of June 2020

These are some great tips for how to stay motivated and inspired when it seems as though you might quit your diet.

Knycx Journeying

Friday 5th of June 2020

I agree, there are a lot of fallacies about dieting and honestly, there's never a right answer!!! So I tried to be relaxed by it or it can get extremely frustrating!

Pati Robins

Friday 5th of June 2020

oh yes i done some of these before and yup they were good for short term but not good long term