I love homemade cards and spontaneous gifts for no reason… or as some would say: Just Because! Becoming open and willing to receive is a new skill I have been practicing, and it has allowed the possibility and space for more joy in my life.
Imagine the smile on my face when I received this Mother’s Day Rose from one of my darling daughters. They had gone for a walk with my mom while I was being interviewed for a Podcast, and she was thoughtful enough to think of me. I felt special…proud…loved.
“Gracias, mi amor!!! You are so sweet!”
I felt my feet rising off the ground as I went up slowly into the a beautiful, bright, blue sky. When I got to cloud 9, a thought popped my bliss balloon. I realized it was a teachable moment. You gotta love them; they show up unannounced, burst your bubble, and leave you hanging for a bit.
—Where did you get the rose?
—I just picked it! – she quickly answered with a little nervousness in her voice.
—Thank you for picking it, honey. Just remember these 3 questions you can ask yourself to know whether it is fine to take something (with you):
- Did you buy it?
- Did a trusted person give to you as a gift?
- Did someone confirm you could take it- after asking about it?
—Okay, mommy. I will ask myself those questions. Let’s put the rose on water!
—Okay, honey! When you do that before bringing me a present, I’ll love your present even more!!! [kiss, hug, kiss, hug, etc.]
I know what you are thinking. I could have let it go. I’m glad I didn’t. I definitely made sure she knew I appreciated her thoughtfulness and tenderness; while keeping in integrity and in alignment with my core values and the common core values of our family.
At the end of the day, the Mother’s Day rose is easy on the eyes, and a token of love and appreciation, yet I am most grateful for the teachable moment that pushed me out of my bliss and my comfort zone. What teachable moments are you thankful for?
Monday 7th of July 2014
How sweet that she thought of you at all! I can understand why you tried to teach her to think before taking even a flower off someone else's rose bush without asking permission.
Lalia @ Found Frolicking
Sunday 6th of July 2014
That is so sweet! It is the unexpected and smallest gifts that are truly the most precious. I think you turned the moment into a great lesson for your daughter, too. You did it in a way where it just let her know to consider those things for next time, but didn't make her feel bad about picking the flower for you. That's great.
Holly @ Woman Tribune
Saturday 5th of July 2014
What an important teachable moment. My grandmother has told me the story of my aunt picking other people's lilacs for her when she was a kid many times. She would do it every single time she had done something wrong, like skipping school, and my grandmother caught on real quick!
Leelo R
Saturday 5th of July 2014
That´s so sweet! And I think those are great questions children should ask themselves!
Friday 4th of July 2014
Little lessons like that make decisions for bigger things far easier when they're older. I think you did good. :)