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My 5S Life – A 5-Step System for a Productive Life

Yesterday was one of those days where OVERWHELM was the beginning, middle and ending of every event. It certainly takes MASSIVE FAITH to overcome the fear and impatience and that comes with UNCERTAINTY.

5 S  - MOMtivation - the positive mom blog

I’ve found that GUIDANCE and CLARITY comes from weird places. I was talking to my best friend in search for his advice in what seemed to be THE most defining moment of my life! WOW

After explaining the situation, he told me to “apply 5S”  — a Japanese methodology system for organization in the workplace they use over at his office to “make things work.”

I thought it was another one of his many jokes, but it turns out “Seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke” is officially my decision-making process and a new standard for my life.

Sorting (Seiri)

This refers to eliminating everything (and everyone!) that is unnecessary and keeping only what is essential, prioritizing and making those  selected  easy to access.

Stabilize (Seiton)

“A place for everything and everything in its place”, easily accessible and clearly labeled and in a way that promotes efficiency.

Systematic Cleaning (Seiso)

Keeping everything clean, tidy and organized, making sure everything is restored to its place. Think beyond the workplace: our thoughts, our bodies, our emotions!

Standardizing (Seiketsu)

Everything is consistent and standardized. Responsibilities should be performed cohesively and seamlessly in the work station (or at home, or simply anywhere!!!).

Self-Discipline (Shitsuke)

Sustaining the discipline means maintaining and reviewing standards. It means keeping our eye in the new way of doing things and not allowing “a gradual decline back to the old ways” yet actually thinking about better ways of doing things!

This is an amazing system…They even added 3 more phases that sound good to me:  Safety,  Security and Satisfaction!

The 5S mentality requires continuous education to be maintained…at work and in life. I am so excited that, thanks to my incredible best friend, I have a “new way!” to live now.
