Napoleon Hill
is one of the greatest writers and speakers in personal development and author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the best-selling books of all times.
Highly influenced by Andrew Carnegie, one of Napoleon Hill‘s hallmark expressions is “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” He shared 17 principles or keys to success and personal achievement that still continue to make a difference in people’s lives today. Here are my short definitions of these principles:
Principle of Success 1: Developing Definiteness of Purpose
The lack of a major purpose, plan or goal causes people to fail and get lost in their life journey. Definiteness of purpose constitutes the starting point of all worthy achievement.
Principle of Success 2: Creating A Mastermind Alliance
Success and achievement comes with the collective collaboration of two or more minds working together in perfect harmony towards the attainment of a common goal.
Principle of Success 3: Using Applied Faith
Faith is a state of mind, the awareness that our goals, desires, plans and purposes will materialize through our actions in the physical realm.
Principle of Success 4: Going the Extra Mile
Going the extra mile is rendering more and better service than you are paid for, with a positive mental attitude.
Principle of Success 5: Embodying A Pleasing Personality
Our personality is the sum total of our mental, spiritual and physical traits and habits. An attractive personality is assembled by controlling and guiding our emotions, practicing courtesy and having a positive attitude.
Principle of Success 6: Taking Personal Initiative
Personal initiative is the inner power that inspires all action to get started and completed. Procrastination prevents all success and achievement.
Principle of Success 7: Cultivating A Positive Mental Attitude
Your mindset is the only thing you have complete control of. A positive mental attitude attracts opportunities for success.
Principle of Success 8: Acting With Enthusiasm
Our passion and our burning desire to succeed is more powerful than all logic. Enthusiasm comes from within to intensify our faith and motivate us to massive action toward success.
Principle of Success 9: Practicing Self-Discipline
Self-mastery is essential to success. Self-discipline is enforced by controlling your thoughts and your actions, thus balancing our outcome.
Principle of Success 10: Accurate Thinking
Everything begins with a thought. To think accurately, one must separate fact from information and actively categorize and prioritize the facts.
Principle of Success 11: Controlling Our Attention
Controlled attention is the principle that commands us to focus actively and exclusively on those things we desire to achieve, resulting in its imminent attainment.
Principle of Success 12: Building Teamwork
The principle of teamwork is equivalent to harmonious cooperation based on willingness and free contribution. Inspiring teamwork assures rapid and meaningful success.
Principle of Success 13: Learning From Adversity & Defeat
We choose whether challenges and adversity are stepping stones or stumbling blocks in our path to success. Experiencing defeat is inevitable, accepting it or mastering it is up to you.
Principle of Success 14: Attaining Creative Vision
Learning and applying the skill of using our imagination beyond fear and imposed limitations brings endless opportunities for success and achievement.
Principle of Success 15: Maintaining Sound Health
Sound health is essential to success. It starts in the subconscious mind and is attained through conscious decision and unwavering determination and will power.
Principle of Success 16: Budgeting Time & Money
Taking regular inventory of how we spend our time and money is a great tool to maximize them and use them effectively. Remember, while money can be recovered, time spent is gone forever!
Principle of Success 17: Establishing Positive Habits
Positive habits result in a happy, healthy, successful YOU. When you develop a positive habit, the habit develops you. Your life is the result of the habits you have formed.
I am truly a fan of Napoleon Hill‘s work and I love these principles of the Science of Success, a treat to the faithful!
7For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [2 Timothy 1]
What is YOUR secret to success?
more sunshine m.chishamba
Wednesday 20th of December 2023
perseverence is key to success
Self Confidence
Saturday 18th of June 2011
You've got great insights about Positive Mental Attitude, keep up the good work!
Friday 10th of June 2011
I love it! Im actually reading that book!!! :)
Nancy Sustersic
Thursday 9th of June 2011
Great guide to life and success! Thanks Elayna Nancy Sustersic
Ruby E. Angulo
Wednesday 8th of June 2011
I love this post! Thank you for sharing the Wealth!