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101 Positive Things You Need To Say to Your Child

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I grew up in a very negative environment where I heard awful words spoken to me and about me and they completely shattered me. Although extremely painful, this experience turned out to be very enriching for me because it helped me learn the power of words at a very young age. 

Robin Sharma once said “Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well.” I think most of us really try to do this, but it’s hard work… and it’s also very tricky. It’s not just ugly, harmful, negative work that can hurt our children – you’ve heard it before: it’s not what you say, but how you say it.

One of my life mottos is “results don’t lie.” And the thing with nagging is not only that it’s negative, you know deep down that it also doesn’t work. 

101 positive things every mom needs to say to her child or teenager

Praising your child whenever they do something “good” isn’t the answer either, because there’s a right time and a right way of praising, too. But let’s just say that for every complaint, for every negative thing we point out in our child as a mistake or a flaw or something they do wrong and must be corrected, there should be at least 17 positive statements to counteract the negative effect.

Yeah, 17:1 is a lot… but remember that progress is success; any progress. To help you make progress in this area, I’ve put together a list of 101 positive things you need to say to your child or teen.

The more you practice saying these positive words to your child or your teen , the more they can feel loved, accepted, empowered, supported, and confident enough to face any challenge that comes their way.

Supermom doesn’t exist, but even if we all succeeded at the 17:1 ratio and spoke nothing but positive words to our children and teenagers, remember that there are other people in their lives who may be saying (or not saying) words to hurt them – even if they don’t mean to.

My oldest daughter was bullied at school when she was 8 years old and it really took a toll on her self-esteem at that time. And even though we’ve been homeschooling since, we’ve had our share of nasty experiences with girls and women from our Church gossiping, saying snarky comments, giving dirty looks, and making up gossip and rumors that have created great sadness, pain, and depression. 

In the same way, my daughter’s piano teacher said some amazing words to her and gave her a handwritten card to encourage her, which made a positive difference in a difficult moment.

Words have power and though we don’t have control about what others say or don’t say to our children, we can show more love, compassion, and support to our babies, whether they’re 17 months or 17 years old.

101 Positive Phrases You Need To Say to Your Child

You don’t have to say 101 things daily – it will be overwhelming to you and your child or teen! Choose at least one of these positive phrases to say to your child in a heartfelt, meaningful, and loving way to strengthen the connection you share.

  1. You make me smile
  2. I like you
  3. I’m happy to have you around
  4. You inspire me
  5. I’m so excited to spend time with you
  6. I’m proud of you
  7. You are cared for 
  8. Your words matter to me
  9. Follow your dreams
  10. I’m grateful for you
  11. I love your hugs
  12. I appreciate you so much
  13. I understand you 
  14. I love trying things your way
  15. You make me laugh
  16. You have great ideas
  17. I am your friend
  18. What you say matters
  19. You can achieve anything you desire
  20. I admire you
  21. Your imagination is wonderful
  22. You are worth it
  23. I love laughing with you
  24. You have strong character
  25. You are a marvel
  26. You were created for a purpose
  27. Your life matters
  28. Watching you grow up is amazing
  29. You’re a tough cookie
  30. I have a lot of respect for you
  31. Your choices matter
  32. You are a blessing to me
  33. You’re capable of achieving your dreams
  34. I have faith in you
  35. I love your cuddles
  36. You never cease to amaze me
  37. Being with you is fun
  38. Thank you
  39. You’re both imperfect and amazing
  40. You are unique
  41. I can rely on you
  42. I admire your inner strength
  43. You are loved
  44. My world is better because you’re in it
  45. Trust your instincts
  46. I could never stop loving you
  47. You are important to me
  48. You can create great things
  49. Being your mom is my favorite job
  50. I learn so much from you!
  51. You make a difference
  52. Your words are powerful
  53. I’m happy you’re here
  54. I believe in you
  55. Your actions are powerful
  56. Your emotions are valid
  57. You are exactly who you are meant to be
  58. Believe in yourself
  59. You are valuable
  60. Your ideas matter
  61. I appreciate all of your help
  62. You are enough
  63. Thank you for being you
  64. You are deserving
  65. I trust you
  66. I enjoy your company
  67. I’m happy talking with you
  68. You are worthy
  69. I love how playful you are
  70. You have great ideas
  71. I love being your mom
  72. Go for it!
  73. Nothing compares to you
  74. You make a difference
  75. You make my heart full
  76. You always have a choice
  77. Please forgive me!
  78. I pray for you
  79. Seeing you happy makes me happy
  80. You make me better
  81. I hear you
  82. Everything will be fine
  83. I’ll always love you
  84. Try everything
  85. Be proud of yourself
  86. You are beautiful inside and out
  87. I am happy for you
  88. Our family is better with you
  89. I forgive you
  90. The world needs you
  91. You have so much to offer
  92. I can relate
  93. I will always be here for you
  94. You’ve got this!
  95. I accept who you are
  96. Your attitude can change any situation
  97. I love seeing the world your way
  98. I support you
  99. Believe in your abilities
  100. Your life has meaning
  101. I LOVE YOU unconditionally!

101 Positive Things You Need To Say to Your Child

These are words every mom needs to say to her child or teen, so be sure to pin this image  for other moms to see. Also, you can click here for a FREE PRINTABLE, so you can keep it handy! I also have a list of positive words from A Z that you can use to customize your child’s list.

When used right, encouraging words can have a positive and powerful effect on our children, tweens, and teens. Always ask yourself “Are my words building them up or tearing them down?”

Our sons and daughters need encouragement along their journey to growing and becoming who they are meant to be.

What positive phrases are you going to say more often to your child or teen? Share with us in the comment area below.



Tuesday 29th of March 2022

Thanks for this article. I helped me greatly. I didn’t grow up with positive parents. I found myself repeating the cycle. I’m looking for help and found great comfort reading this article

Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM

Thursday 31st of March 2022

Sending you a hug, Carolyn. I am so happy it helped. It's never too late to break the cycle!


Saturday 5th of March 2022

Always super disturbing that so little of these statements are heard in, or from religion and yet, so many spend their lives dedicated to it.

Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM

Saturday 19th of March 2022

That's a great point, Penelope. I think true religion is based on things we say and do, rather than on what we claim to believe.

This Powerful Daily Ritual Will Make You A Better Mom ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥

Thursday 26th of March 2020

[…] Needs are very individual and look differently for everyone, but there is one need we all share: the need to be loved. […]


Sunday 24th of February 2019

I love speaking life into myself as well as my younger brother. It gives you a sence of motivation, a push that you are worth and capable

Chelle Dizon

Saturday 23rd of February 2019

Thumbs up for this long list of positive words that we can say to our child. Yes I do believe that words has the power to inspire you or break you. We better have to be careful on what we say or do.