I started my first business when I was 7 years old. From an early age, I learned to be a success seeker with the highest aspirations.
One of my God-given gifts is to be able to step back and SEE the big picture. This kind of VISION is not only helpful in business…it’s saved my life… several times! Gifts are more powerful when you apply them to serve others.
My parents gave me a wonderful example of how breaking beyond fears and breaking through self-imposed limitations you can:
I will be forever thankful to my parents for challenging me to be better, giving me guidance, support, and motivation. I have more understanding and appreciation for them as I grow as a mother to my children.

Everyone needs guidance, challenge, accountability, insight, clarity, solutions, encouragement and support. Even eagles need a push!
I am certain you can identify at least one person in your life who helped you maximize your potential. Those guides are passionate for your growth, and have genuine concern for you and your success.
Why Do The Most Successful Leaders In All Industries Have a Success Guide?
You have all you need inside of you and can certainly do it on your own. However, having a guide speeds up the learning curve, eliminates costly mistakes, and accelerates breakthrough.
Having navigated the waters of clueless single motherhood, I am today honored to partner with moms all over the world as a trusted success guide, committed to discern the best path. As you embark on your journey of birthing your passion and your purpose, realize that guidance can be a blessing and a miracle, when based on a foundation of confidentiality, respect, vision and faith.
Do You Have A Dream? Do you have someone to guide you in the process of making it come true? Let’s Talk and let’s find the most optimum way to turn your intent into your reality and your passion into your paycheck.
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at thepositivemom.com/ef and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Want to support the Positive MOM blog?
The mission of the Positive MOM blog is to help moms break trauma cycles, find peace, and feel emotionally whole, so they can practice supportive parenting and create a positive and healthy environment for their children. If you found Elayna’s content valuable, please consider donating a love offering to enable her to keep creating content and helping more moms worldwide. Donate HERE.
63 Ways To Package Your Knowledge, Your Experience, And Your Expertise
Sunday 12th of July 2020
[…] If you need support creating these, I would love to partner with you to be your success guide. […]
What Is Guerrilla Marketing? by The Positive MOM ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥
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63 Ways To Package Your Knowledge, Your Experience, And Your Expertise ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥
Friday 18th of September 2015
[…] how about you? If you need support creating these, I would love to partner with you to be your success guide. Here’s to more income, impact, influence… and time […]
Betty Taylor
Monday 24th of August 2015
Elayna, in the few weeks we have been working together and you have been mentoring me, I have experienced more clarity and focus than I likely could have achieved on my own. Thank you, and I look forward to what the future holds.
The 200 Guerrilla Marketing Weapons List For Your Business ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥
Tuesday 21st of July 2015
[…] stuck or simply need a little more guidance, accountability, and support. I’d love to be your success guide in your mompreneur […]