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The 4 Highly Effective Habits of The Conscious Mom

As a mom, life sometimes seems to be running in autopilot. Most of our time is usually spent “multi-tasking”, problem-solving and “putting out fires.” Slowing down, embracing life and and living in the moment seem like lofty goals more suitable for single, high-achieving with amassed wealth. However, when you live consciously, motherhood is a place of gratitude, miracles, gifts.

The conscious mom - positive mom blog - positive mom foundationCreating lasting happiness and success at home requires for you to be awake in your life.

It means being enlightened before being a light, it means traveling a guided path: connecting with God and your inner self before connecting with your family members. 

It means creating intentional partnerships with EACH of the members of the household.

The 4 Highly Effective Habits of The Conscious Mom:

1- Examine ~ Create Awareness Profiles to evaluate strengths, weaknesses and feelings.

2- Accept ~ Celebrate every individual’s uniqueness.

3- Connect ~ Schedule time to communicate.

4- Honor ~ Express gratitude and deliver acts of kindness.

By modeling awareness and connectedness at home, you will not only blossom as the woman and mom you were meant to be, you will also become a co-creator of conscious individuals, conscious communities, and ultimately, a conscious planet for generations to come.
